Ping and stutters getting worse.
Okay hello guys, i'm just gonna start by saying, i always played on 60ping, and i had stutters when a enemy came up on my screen.
I downloaded a vpn, and my ping was 48, but i had really bad stuttrers. Then i js didnt use it. But after not using it, now my ping is 68-72, and i have horrible stutters. Please help!
38 Replies
Make sure the vpn isn’t active and running in the background
i deleted the app
mind answering a few questions for me?
1. who is your ISP
2. what country are you from?
3. what region do you play on?
4. what server(s) do you play on?
1. A1 Macedonia
2. North Macedonia
3. EUNE, Frankfurt
4. Frankfurt
@lyra [telia glazer, @ for reply] ^:Gekko_Wingman_Sip:
could you open cmd and run this command
and show me a screenshot when you're done?just to be safe, i dont really mind if u see my ip but does it show anything esle?
it dosnt show anything private dw
and it dosnt show your ip
it just oppened command promt?
oh nvm
lemme js finish this round ill send
hi i needed bahrain ip anyone haved?
there no active ones
the bahrain issue is being worked on atm
give it some time
@lyra [telia glazer, @ for reply] ty
@kenwick wamar hey any updates?
ill send it rn
oh it went away\
What went away chat
all his issues
the thing
the console
No worries, just open command prompt again
And run this
And send the ss

i thin
it still had more
@lyra [telia glazer, @ for reply] ^:MenheraChips1:
can you do
ping -n 100 -l 65500
and show me a screenshot of the summary when its donedid this need to load more?
cause i think i ss too early
No it’s all good
Run the second command
did something more come after 11?
He says there were more the first he ran it
please re run it and wait for it to be done

this is the 162 thing
@lyra [telia glazer, @ for reply]
i think this is alll
and lemme get 192 thing

@lyra [telia glazer, @ for reply] @Metamorphosis
let it finish
and also let it finish
oh theres more??
thats it
can we like hop in a call
and i share screen?
i cant atm
when its done it will show a Summary
just in case can you run it again and send a screenshot when it's completely finished ^^
@kenwick wamar just run it and leave it for a while