How can I contact the legal team of VALORANT?

(This might sound like a silly question to some of you.) I’m a graphic designer, and I create thumbnails for streamers. Often, streamers ask me to include a Valorant agent or their abilities in the thumbnails. Since this falls under commercial use, I wanted to know if this is allowed under the Jibber Jabber policy. I’m looking to get permission for this type of content.
11 Replies
Zeero | Lingo
Zeero | LingoOP3mo ago
Anyone ???? Please reply if you can help me with this
lyra3mo ago
pretty sure this would fall under fair use or wtv its called idk useally it's fine as long as it's non commercial like selling Valorant merch but you can dry ;valsupport
VANGUARD Main3mo ago
:valQuestion: The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
Zeero | Lingo
Zeero | LingoOP3mo ago
Selling merch falls under non commercial ? Isn't it commercial ? thanks
lyra3mo ago
I wait I did a typo I ment like not selling merch ^^
Zeero | Lingo
Zeero | LingoOP3mo ago
Haha no worries and creating thumbnails is commercial too correct?
lyra3mo ago
well idk but usually riot is chill about it I mean it's free promotion you can ask support tho
Zeero | Lingo
Zeero | LingoOP3mo ago
Ok so I did contact here yesterday and they replied that they do not have permission since they are player support
lyra3mo ago
ask then who you should ask
Zeero | Lingo
Zeero | LingoOP3mo ago
Ok Thanks for helping it really means a lot Hey do you know anything else where I can contact valorant and ask them? It's been almost 8-9 hours they are not responding
lyra3mo ago
takes up to 3 days

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