vc issues lately (every game) (isp problem?)
ever since like a day or two ago my vc just completely doesnt work (loopback test doesnt work either) is there any ip i could ping to make sure my isp isnt blocking my vc
97 Replies
Bro don’t ping riot devs😭
Also I highly doubt that’s an ISP issue, if loopback isn’t working then you gotta check out your audio input
loopback doesnt work
vc is all off for each person
on my side atleast
kenji helped me with network related issues before
cant hear cant speak 💔
like this every game

turning on/off doesnt work
swedish network wizard save me

go to settings, audio -> voice chat -> and turn on team voice chat
ive been doing that
its something to do with my network
show me a screenshot

loopback doesnt work either
even though my outputs and inputs are correct
it used to be like this years ago but then it fixed itself
now its broken again
do you have voicemeeter open?

can you change in val so you are not using voice meeter?
still no voice cht
idk, this is not my area
Idk how this works but why do you have voicemeter out for input
😭 okay
@fly (pls @ for reply <3) heyo :MenheraWink2:
do you maybe know something
voicemeeter outputs my mic
thats how they named it idk
Did this issue start before or after you started using voicemeter
it started like2 days ago
ive been using voicemeeter for a year or two

firewall is all off too
though taking the input on and off fixed hte loopback
like putting it on something then back on b1
Let me see
@vozoid go into your windows settings and disable all audio that you are not using (if you haven’t tried that already)
its not an audio issue
my loopback started working fine
it’s not a network issue either tho
loopback works now?
but everyones vc is disabled
i put the input on and off b1
then it worked
and now the only issue you have left is that it shows the x‘s eight?
right* goddamn
i cant hear or speak
or see if people are speaking
its just off
it fixed itself for one game yesterday then went back to not working
can you send a screenshot again of what your voice settings look like in game right now?

ill join a swift or smt to check if its working now
have you done any updates recently? (windows, etc)

uhh i think so but it was like this before i updated too
i had this problem a few years ago too until it fixed itself
maybe 2 or 3 years ago
I know that there is a bug regarding this going around that keeps popping up randomly and solving itself randomly
I wonder if it is that big again
i mean
Did you try reinstalling?
ill try that after this swift
a few years ago it lasted months to a year
and it fixed for people aroudn me at the same time too
well almost a year is definitely a bit long for a bug to last
which leads met o believe it might be my isp
or region regulations
very randomly question but you have not been voice banned, right? Because then it can look like that too
no it just happened randomly
and it fixed itself for one game too
It just worked?
like right now?
i didnt touch any settings either
should i try flushing my dns
or changing it to cloudflare
oi vey then it might actually be the bug
I mean sure you can try but I doubt that will do anything
oy vey 😭
I would actually try reinstalling
ill reintall in a second
good good
or something in windows changed :val_Hampter:
i hope not
i dont touch my windows settings often
would i get a cd for leaving swiftplay
ill flush my dns and change it to cloudflare first
thats what I was thinking when I asked if they did an update recently
windows like to overwrite shit 😐
maybe a 3 minute one
it alreayd finished dw
ah nice
ill check my vc in customs actually
probably better
good idea
yea it didnt fix it
ill reinstall
i restarted

this game SUCKS
this is a sign to quit
now the riot client logged me out
man wtf
I think that’s normal after a reinstallstion
it didnt let me reinstall
i tried reopening the riot c lient then it logged me out
reopened again nwo its just black
wdym it didn’t let you reinstall?
did you reinstall everything? also vanguard etc and did you make sure everything was properly deinstalled before you reinstalled?
(I use REVO uninstaller for that)
i just let the riot client uninstall it
add or remove then it prompts the riot uninstaller

no valorant folder here either
i wouldnt be surprised if the valorant uninstaller didnt work tbh
that’s why I said I use REVO haha
has yet to disappoint me
idk maybe ill undo my dns changes
let my isp do my dns
that fixed it
now its nstalling
Did it fix it? @vozoid
oh i turned my computer off after reinstalling😭
ill check
LMAOOO valid
i hope atleast

its so over

oh good lord ....
@Kenji-San mr kenji save me
what must i ping to see vc status
not how it works
:valQuestion: The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
go to them ^
okay 🙁
hey same issue here #Help: Unable to Use Voice Chat in Valorant
reinstall app, reinstall windows, create new account = still same
i got banned for 2w and it was still broken
uninstalled gg