Japan Vintage & Secondhand Menswear Shops for suits and blazers (Tokyo, Kyoto, Gifu, Kanazawa)
I'm headed to Japan in two weeks and will spend a lot of time around Tokyo, Kyoto, Kanazawa, and in the Gifu/Nagoya area. I have enough time in each city to be able to travel around so not worried about particular neighborhoods as long as it's not an hour out from city center.
I've been to Japan before and know there is an insane density of great secondhand and vintage shops, but wanted to see if any folks have any specific recs for spots where I could find nice suits or blazers secondhand. Open to both Japanese companies or western/Italian tailoring if it's available secondhand - just looking to replace some suits and blazers for work and for fun. Wider lapels, pleats, fuller cut trousers, etc.
I'm looking in Japan mostly out of convenience - I have a packed January with work where I'll need some blazers and just happen to be in Japan for the next few weeks
For budget, I would just like to stay under $500ish for suits and $300ish per blazer, and I'm assuming I can find both for a good bit cheaper than that
Appreciate any and all recs!
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