Gut check: For 200k page Jekyll site, Workers => R2, yeah?

I need to move a large legacy Jekyll site off Github Pages. All pages are fully static and the pages will never change again. It's an interim solution while I finish a complete rebuild in SvelteKit. Looking for community input to confirm (or reject!) my current thinking and maybe flesh out any possible gotchas. My research... Cloudflare Pages has a 20k page limit, so that's a no-go Workers Static Assets has a 20k page limit, so that's a no-go Workers Sites appear deprecated (docs) So vanilla Workers it is. Storage... This seems like a toss-up b/w KV and R2. KV has the slight edge with speed R2 has ability to sync via rclone Perhaps the tie-breaker is R2 would easily fit in the free tier Agree? Disagree? Am I missing anything?
4 Replies
sodepr3mo ago
Why you need to move from Github Pages to Cloudflare Pages? Some solutions for your issue: 1. Create 10 - 15 Cloudflare Pages (I'm not sure how many pages limit per account, I have only 1 Cloudflare Pages now) 2. Merge 10 - 15 pages (HTML/Jekyll site) into 1 page => using JS to hide or show page depend on URL Could you share your website? I'm curious about a website that has 200k sites. :dogekek:
ChadKOP3mo ago
Happy to share the code. It's an open source project for nonprofits - been around since 2016. The Jekyll site has 110k content pages and 120k HTML redirects. The redirects are the main reason for moving off Github Pages. Moving to Cloudflare, where the rebuilt site will reside, opens up new redirect options and should aid in an incremental transition to the new site.
sodepr3mo ago
That is a great project. The official documentation states that Cloudflare Pages has a soft limit of 100 pages per account.,the%20top%20of%20this%20page. So you can create multiple Pages projects and deploy them under custom domains. These custom domains can then be linked together on the main site for seamless integration.
Cloudflare Docs
Limits · Cloudflare Pages docs
Below are limits observed by the Cloudflare Free plan. For more details on removing these limits, refer to the Cloudflare plans ↗ page.
ChadKOP3mo ago
Thanks, it's been a fun project. I appreciate the creative solutions. I've got a POC running using the older Workers Sites product. I haven't tested syncing the full site yet, but looks promising. It'll put me over the free tier, but for $5 + a bit for the KV storage excess it's well worth it imho.

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