CNAME Record not Propagating + Phantom A Record
Having an issue with CNAME not propagating. My host is pointing me to the Registrar and Cloudflare, the Registrar is pointing me to Cloudflare. If I dont enter an A Record and look on DNS checker there is some rogue A record pointing to a digitalocean server... digitalocean is nowhere in my stack... any ideas what is going on?
4 Replies
Proxy hasnt been activated (DNS Only)
Go here, enter your domain and return with which servers are there
DNS tools just show me the problem (the CNAME record is not propagating, and an A Record that is not in my Cloudflare DNS Management) .. I am trying to establish why ?
That's either proxy, or it's a CNAME on your apex/root which is automatically flattened, or you are Pro plan or higher and flattening all CNAMEs. What's your domain name, and a screenshot of the record in Cloudflare?