Why isn't my cname showing up in DNS checkers?
I've added a CNAME record to my domain as part of a domain verification process with a third party.
However it's not showing up. When I run my domain (hlpst.app) through a DNS checker like this one, under CNAME it says no records found.
The attached image below shows how the CNAME record is set up in CF. Is there any reason this wouldn't be showing up to third parties such that I can verify the domain?
3 Replies
Need to unproxy that record for it to show like that
Cloudflare Proxy/CDN is default enabled on new records. Proxy enables many of Cloudflare's features, from Security/WAF, Rules & Caching, to DDoS Protection and hiding your origin, features that you will lose by disabling it. However, not all setups work behind proxy. Some hosts/setups will disallow/have issues with proxy, including showing errors with the DNS records being different from required. Normal Proxy also only works with HTTP(S) Requests, not FTP, not Game Servers, etc.
As such, sometimes disabling Proxy is required. You can navigate to your website in Cloudflare, under "Websites", and then to DNS -> Records, find the record you need to disable proxy on, and then click "Edit", click on the toggle for Proxy Status, and then save.
Magic Link to DNS Records: https://dash.cloudflare.com/?to=/:account/:zone/dns/records
This change may take a bit to reflect, due to DNS Cache.
Ah I didn't realise that - thank you