Snippets - status?

According to this old blog post snippets was supposed to be available even for free accounts, in its current Beta it is not - is there any timeline for if Free will ever have any Snippets at all and what is the timeline to finalize Snippets out from Beta? Also since I can't try it out with my Free plan (currently) I'm interested in finding out if I can use Snippets to make qualified redirects to another domain but keeping f.e. Authorization headers intact from the original incoming request in my scenario where I'm looking to redirect incoming POST operations to a specific REST API endpoint with a dedicated query param or header to use for the redirect decision - if that makes any sense?
The Cloudflare Blog
Cloudflare Snippets is now available in alpha
Cloudflare Snippets are available in alpha. Snippets are a simple way of executing a small piece of Javascript on select HTTP requests, using the ruleset engine filtering logic.
1 Reply
Jürgen B
Jürgen BOP3mo ago
awesome! not sure if my idea makes any sense but I like to maintain one official endpoint and for some customers with specific Microsoft needs, redirect their request to my azure equivalent endpoint - which I ofc also could hand out straight away but I like the minimal approach of a single endpoint for the public so to say.. 😅

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