Make big image fit to canvas

Hi everyone, I'm trying to create a scratch effect using canvas. I'm having problems understanding how to make the "hidden" pic to behave like an object-fit: cover would... I know that I probably have to scale it, but I don't understand how. ( Just hold LMB and scratch the image, you'll see the hidden one appear
6 Replies
ἔρως3mo ago
thats a very very sub-optimal and crude way of doing it what you can do instead is to resize the image to fit inside the canvas, on the smallest dimension for example, an image of 500x750 wont fit properly if your canvas is 300x400, you have to resize proportionally for either the 500 or 750 to fit inside the canvas, and the rest spills over the "spill over" will be hidden you then have to draw the image at 0,-50% the spillover or -50% the spillover,0 assume that you resize and there are 70 pixels that will be outside the viewing are: you draw it at 0,-35 or -35,0 - depending on the dimension that fit inside the canvas this effectively centers the image by the way: DO NOT USE FRACTIONAL POSITIONS the performance of the canvas will be sub-optimal and everything will be extra blurry
MC23OP3mo ago
Ok I'll try, btw both the hidden pic and the hiding pic will have the exact same size and aspect ratio of 1:1 background-size: cover; seems to work, but it doesn't on my actual site :\
ἔρως3mo ago
how did you made it work?
MC23OP3mo ago
Oh sorry, I forget to check if I'm not pinged. As I said background-size: cover; worked, on my website too after I recompiled my scss
ἔρως3mo ago
probably a cache problem then?
MC23OP3mo ago
Yeah it's possible

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