Discord split thread

going to let the cat out of the bag (discord split thread)
6 Replies
Issue: https://github.com/ublue-os/main/issues/689 The idea of splitting the discord for each end-user image + universal blue management/maintainers/contributors chat has been floating around for a little now.
[Proposal] Split Discords for Each End-User Image · Issue #689 · ub...
Why? The current Universal Blue discord situation can be confusing to new users currently. If each end-user image was its own Discord instead of grouping the project together in one big one. Confus...
This discord may rebrand to Bazzite due to being the most popular image Bluefin, Aurora, uCore, and Universal Blue Contrib-Chat will be other Discords
Noel4mo ago
@tryhardsoccermomswag Can you open an issue on Github to your proposed solution and link it here? That way folks can talk about it asynchronously and can either +1 or -1 the proposal?
after break yea What repo? main?
Noel4mo ago
yeah. That's where all the proposals have gone in the past.
ok give me like 20 min. I want this to be detailed with the potential advantages/disadvantages listed in the issue

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