Overflow and Height Issues

So I am trying to make a chat UI for a website And issue I ran into is overflow, I made the chat section a specific height and made it scrollable so the chat doesn't take up the entire page and I added Inputs below it The input does not take up the remainder of the parents height despite me making the height "h-full" (I am using Tailwind CSS). And after experimenting, I found it's because of the chat container. I calculated the height like this "max-h-calc[calc(100vh-26rem)]" And when the user uploads an attachment, and the attachment is displayed it creates overflow. My goal is for the chat section to resize automatically and for there to be no overflow on this page This is the replit https://replit.com/@demetrikameka18/Environment-Code?v=1 You can run it and see the issue I am taking about, when ran redirect yourself to "/tickets/1"
Environment Code
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6 Replies
RomoyOP2mo ago
the code for the page is in src/routes/tickets/[id]/+page.svelte
b1mind2mo ago
I can't see how to run it but
No description
b1mind2mo ago
I have skill issues xD
RomoyOP2mo ago
I believe you would have to fork it to run it on replit Also, for some odd reason that happens to the +page and +layout files (Probably because the "+" is in the file name loll) I renamed them to just "page.svelte", so you should be able to view the file now so before you run it, rename it back to +page
b1mind2mo ago
Ah that requires others to have an account though. Have you tried out https://sveltelab.dev ? Let's you share and any one can run it
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b1mind2mo ago
Powered by stackblitz it's nice

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