I launch valorant and my internet fully disconnects after 5 minutes of launching the game. After i close the game my internet suddenly returns after 2 minutes as if nothing happened. it fixed itself on sunday but today and yesterday its back with the same issue.
8 Replies
feel free to ping or @ me if you have any solutions
This can't logically be your issue, try contacting support.
i dont know the command for it tho
@Lira the goose :3 | Mimi <3 help pls
:valQuestion: The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
Yeah i sent a ticket and will see how it goes
its fixed. i got help from riot support through tickets
had to turn on ipv4 on some network adapter
reinstall vanguard
and go to microsoft Services to change something called VGS or VGK from startup ''Manual'' to startup ''automatic''
i added solved to this post
also, service was called VGC
U had ipv4 disabled before that?
Crazy work
I still dont know how that happened
Though the other one had it enabled