Hey folks, I am looking for Thoughtspot
Hey folks, I am looking for Thoughtspot Integration with JIRA; i.e creating issue using TS custom actions, trigger it from contextual menu using the jira issue api in custom actions URL, will this be possible, if not , are their any alternate options.
20 Replies
do you want to do this in embed environment ?
Hi @utsav.kapoor , No, I was trying to achieve on the ThoughtSpot Application end, I wanted users to have ability to create Jira issues directly from ThoughtSpot Viz, with the help of custom action in contextual menu. So just wanted to check will that be possible by any means.
You can create a url endpoint with custom action and upon clikcing the custom action it will send a POST request to that url with liveboard/answer data. So you might not be able to directly create jira issues from TS viz, but maybe create a custom url endpoint which takes this data and then creates a jira issue. Relevant docs : https://developers.thoughtspot.com/docs/custom-action-url#_initiate_a_url_action
URL actions
You can add a custom action to send data to a specific URL target
Thanks for that @shikharTS , Also I was checking into scheduling the liveboards using email id, but I am getting the error as : "Please whitelist the domain" , any idea how can we resolve this?, as whitelisting of domains even after mentioning into the CROS and CSP Policy is not happening.
Are you getting this error for the email ID domain?
yes, as i enter email id in the schedule receiver section, I am getting that error
Can you create a support ticket for this? This should be configurable via a flag. Our support team should be able to help you set it
Okay, any specific Title/ Statement should I mention in the ticket, like anything particular ?
Add this : Whitelist email domains for delivery of pinboards via email. This should be enough I hope..
We are not able to trigger even a simple organizational site using custom action, even after mentioning the domains and urls into the CROS and CSP Policy, for that too we would need to raise the ticket?
The domains are blocked by default for delivery of pinboards via email. You need to raise a ticket to enable that.
I got that I'll raise the ticket for it, I was then talking about, custom action > "callback action" triggering a callback event and "URL action" to send data from an Answer or visualization to a specific URL in a POST request. Even after mentioning endpoint URL in the CROS and CSP policy, I am still getting CROS and CSP policy error.
That should not happen
What error are you getting? It should be allowed after you mention the endpoint url in CORS?CSP..
Can you paste the error here?
Following is the error : Test_Connect failed. Please make sure https://abc.xyz.com/jira/rest/api/2/issue is whitelisted in CSP in Security Settings, and also that CORS at https://abc.xyz.com/jira/rest/api/2/issue is set to accept connections from thoughtspott.iso.com
In connect-src CSP directive how have you given the url?
Also have we made sure that the error is happening from TS end and not from
? This looks like a generic error message when custom action fails..Folllowing is the URL : http://abc.xyz.com, we checked with the team there wasn't any problem with abc.xyz
Can you put the whole url with path parameters as defined here : https://developers.thoughtspot.com/docs/security-settings#csp-cors-hosts. Maybe this should help, if the issue persists, we can connect on DM, I will check the logs as to what is happening on the TS side...
Security settings
Security settings for embedding
Okay @shikharTS , I'll check with that. Thank You
I did this, but getting the same error.
Lets chat in DM
Had a chat with @mad1 over DM. We need to check the CORS settings since in console logs we get the error
Access to fetch at 'https://abc.xyz.com/jira/rest/api/2/issue' from origin 'https://thoughtspot.url/' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled.
He will raise a ticket with TS and the SRE should be able to resolve this CORS setting issue.
@mad1 can you mention this discord thread in the TS support ticket as well. This should be helpful for the support engineers. cc @sainadh to keep an eye out for this ticket
Yes @shikharTS , I'll do that, Thanks