32 Replies
Aim train in aim labs, strafetracking, microshots
does aim lab really help?
Or you could just train in the range and death matches
What tank r u
Gold but I peel plat
Watch woohoojin's deadzoning guide
Ok ty
Movement and aim go hand in hand so dont raw train your aim train ur movement as well
How do I train my movement
Ong stop sending lfg
I usually 5stk when I play with my friends who are ass1-3
Aye it didn’t send
As I said woojoojin is a rlly good coach for studf like this u can join his disc or watch his guides
Woojoojin on YouTube correct
And train ur movement with the movement error graph on
Found it
Oh you use that?
This playlist right @Noxx

Its been a while
But it did get me out of gold so yeah
It does say valorant guide
And I play on APAC so
What rank are you now?
What apac?
Asia Pacific
Something something
Are they harder?
Radiant #342
Then na
Okay enough questions watch the videos
alright thank you
Wow his guide is extremely good easy to understand
@Noxx I got a questions about sens how did you get your “perfect” sens?
Varies from person to person but most people play on 800-1600 dpi
I play on 800
Personally not a fanboy but I use TenZ sens 1.6k dpi 0.157 in game sens
There are guides on yt on how to get ur perf sens too just search
Oh yeah what me peek radiant
I tried his sens on 800 tbh idk how I feel about it I like it but I also don’t