Custom List of IPs will show "rate limited" even when it would appear it should not be
In attempting to use the Crowdsec Cloudflare Bouncer, it creates the list, it creates the rules, but the list always has 0 entries, and if I try to manually create an entry, it fails saying rate limited from the list edit web page.
My amount/list I'm trying to update now has the Crowdsec config locked to only send 1000 items every 310 minutes, and I'm still rate limited from the get go.
I'm going to try to let the list set without mod (turning off my 'Bouncer' from Crowdsec) so hopefully the rate limit for List Update can resolve and I can see the list do what it should normally (allow someone to add one item up to 10,000).
Has anyone had any experience on a "free account" making use of the Custom Lists and having an automation 'sync' a list to it. Are you using Crowdsec's Cloudflare Bouncer, did you write your own? Looking for any/all input here, thank you!!
1 Reply
My current reference for how the Custom Lists API works:
It would appear that there is a 96 hour limit on ~50 changes?
Sincerely, I would like to make the best use of this feature, could someone please provide practical documentation on the rate limiting for lists api requests?
Well, I've written my own Python detail, and can pull from Cloudflare and the local CrowdSec LAPI too, now to adjust the feature
Wish me luck
It appears to be a 10k limit on a 96 hour revolving window, so, every 4 days you can send 10k worth of hosts to block
It might bear mentioning that the add API endpoint seems to replace instead of adding, and hot dang, if you add some, you cannot delete, so only replace now hmm?
$7 a month for Zero Trust per User, the question is, does that cover getting out of the 'free' account limit on the Account Configuration Custom List rate limiting we are running into?