where I should contact riot?
recently I started playing this game again like a week ago
yesterday I opened my game and got insta joined on a competitive match in the middle of it
I was playing jett which I dont play with her nowdays, only like 2 years ago
so basically I just got banned today and I dont know why
but i checked tracker.gg and someone was playing on my account for a long time
the higher rank that I got is silver 3 or 2
im definitely not diamond
I dont know what should I do, I just wanna play the game with my gf and dont want to lose everything in my account
is there a way to check the ips that logged into my account? then I can prove riot that i didnt do anything wrong
5 Replies
1. change your password
2. contact support
:valQuestion: The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
you sure you weren't getting boosted and got banned for it? If not then I hope you get your acc back.
im sure
I havent played this game for like 5 months or more
I started playing it again like 3 days ago
One friend of mine used this account too like 2 years ago, but im sure that she doesnt even remember the existence of the account, and when we used to play she was iron, I dont think that she could achieve diamond that quickly because she used to play for fun and not to destroy everyone and im sure she wouldnt do anything like that to ban my account for no reason