Advice on a coat
Heya I'm going on a field trip to my country's parlament and sadly i do not yet own a coat, but i found this.
And I have a question "Is it too DRAMATIC ?"
10 Replies
Hide yo face man
Weird thing to say
Maybe it came out wrong, was more in line with "avoid doxxing yourself"
the quality of the photo is so terrible you wont be able to recognize me, plus i dont have any puplic photos
Most of us post full pictures in #waywt so still weird to say
It is dramatic but that makes it fun
I say go for it
That's a sick coat, I say go for it
Yes it's too dramatic, do it. Senior prom 2013 someone found a vintage orange zoot suit, hat included, and wore it. It was the best part of the night, we still talk about it
This coat is insane I love it
holy baller dude wear it