Wrichik Basu (ping on reply pls) - I have a que...

I have a question regarding this IRDAI circular (no. IRDAI/HLT/REG/CIR/176/ 09/2019): https://irdai.gov.in/document-detail?documentId=392476 In annexure I, the circular says the following:
1. On a review of the list of items it is decided to classify the existing ‘Optional Items’ into the following categories. - LIST– I:: Items that may be retained ‘as it is’ as optional items – Items specified in the list are the Optional Items to which Insurers may offer coverage. - LIST– II:: Costs that are to be subsumed into the Room Charges – Items specified in the list shall form part of room charges - LIST– III:: Costs that are to be subsumed into the specific (say surgical) procedure charges – Items specified in the list shall be considered as part of procedure charges. - LIST– IV:: Costs that are to be subsumed into the costs of treatment – Items specified in the list shall be considered as part of costs of treatment. 2. Where the costs are to be subsumed into the room charges specified in List – II or procedure charges specified in List III or costs of treatment (including costs of diagnostics) specified in List IV all claims shall be settled in accordance to the terms and conditions of the policy contract. Insurers shall put in place measures to ensure that items which are part of room / surgical procedure /treatment (including diagnostics) as referred in the lists herein shall not be billed to the policyholders by the hospitals and every insurer shall inform or notify the same to the hospitals and the policyholders suitably. Accordingly,all insurers are advised to make it part of their service level agreement with the network providers (hospitals) in case of cashless cases. In case of reimbursements (with other than network providers) Insurers shall settle the claims as per the terms and conditions of the policy contract.
My query is regarding the italicized portion in point no. 2. contd...
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9 Replies
Wrichik Basu
Wrichik BasuOP4mo ago
...contd If the hospital separately mentions items in lists II, III and IV, and charges them in excess of the surgery and OT charges, and consequently the insurance declines to pay for them, who is liable to be prosecuted? The hospital, because they didn't follow the IRDAI circular, the insurance company, or both? My insurance Terms and conditions only mentions that items in List I are not payable; they have also mentioned lists II, III and IV in the annexure, but without any reference to them in the rest of the policy.
Unknown User
Unknown User4mo ago
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Wrichik Basu
Wrichik BasuOP4mo ago
Interesting. So IRDAI says that hospitals shouldn't bill these to policyholders, but in practice, that works only if I buy the add-ons. Nice. The policy is Royal Sundaram Lifeline Supreme with an SI of 5L.
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Unknown User4mo ago
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Wrichik Basu
Wrichik BasuOP4mo ago
My policy is actually a migrated policy from another product of Royal Sundaram which they discontinued last year. I have to check with them if they will allow me to buy the add-ons. I would have honestly moved over to another company; Royal Sundaram's customer service is s**t. But our pre-existing diseases make it risky to go without any actual coverage for four years. And the previous policy was some kind of group policy that my father had bought. So nobody wanted to port it. Had checked with HDFC and Aditya Birla.
Unknown User
Unknown User4mo ago
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Wrichik Basu
Wrichik BasuOP4mo ago
But that will result in a loading added to the premium from day one, right? I (24M) have hypertension and dyslipidaemia; mother (51) has HTN + dyslipidaemia + hypothyroid.
Unknown User
Unknown User4mo ago
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Wrichik Basu
Wrichik BasuOP4mo ago
Yep, sure.

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