vllm +openwebui
Hi guys, has anyone used Vllm as endpoint in OpenWebUI? I have created a serverless pod but it does not let me connect from openwebui (loaded locally). Does anyone know if I have to configure the external port and how it would be?
27 Replies
connect? how?
its best to use the openai compatible api
It's because, for data confidentiality reasons, I want to use my own endpoint. I assumed that vLLM uses the same configuration as the OpenAI API, which is why I chose this option on Runpod.
Yes openai api in your endpoint
Using the Runpod's openai api to check runpod docs for vllm endpoints
@DEVIL_EGOX did you ever get this working?
@Ryan Not yet🥲
Dang, it's something I really want to be able to do too
Use the openai compatible api...
I've ever got it working
You got it working or never?
I wouldn't be giving advices just like this if I haven't tried it hahah
I ever got it working
like this yeah?
I havent been able to get it to connect

No... It's not like that, it should be like /v1 if I'm not wrong. Check the runpod documentations on using vllm, then find the url format
right..... i guess i left out the last part https://api.runpod.ai/v2/{RUNPOD_ENDPOINT_ID}/openai/v1
i got it working
only problem is everytime i reload or change pages in my openwebui site it spins up a worker because the endpoint gets triggered when it looks for available models
Hmm you can modify the open webui code then rebuild it if you want
actually seems like its not a big issue, its in the running status for milliseconds
actually it may be an issue when the GPU im trying to use is unavailable... if openwebui doesnt get a response the side wont load for about a minute until the request times out
Guys I am facing issue while using run pod
RUNPOD_CHATBOT_URL = "https://api.runpod.ai/v2/vllm-runpod-endpoint-id/openai/v1"
vllm- should be hard coded since it does not have it anymore ?
response = client.chat.completions.create(
messages=[{"role": "user", "content": "What is the capital of Germany"}],
@Aung Nanda Oo you connection URL in openwebui should be set to this:
Thanks I got it!
Hi guys, again, I have tried to use the address as mentioned (https://api.runpod.ai/v2/a2auhmx8h7iu3x/openai/v1/) but I still can't connect. Help me, please 🥲
@nerdylive Any suggestions, please
what error?
"can't connect" is too ambiguous

Use this configuration in the endpoint

@nerdylive Maybe I am misconfiguring the endpoint.
no it seems like its correct if you use template from runpod
but.. did you forget api key? @DEVIL_EGOX
btw pinging me wont yield faster response times
If I don't put the api key, should I declare it in the variables configuration? It would be something like this (API_KEY = XXXXXX) ?
im not sure, i forgot already. can you check the documentations of openwebui if they can be configured that way?
API key should be your runpod api key that has access to your endpoint, id suggest using restricted to your endpoint, read only
thank you very much
I solved it, it was only the api key that was missing.