Planet Zoo•3mo ago

Say suggestions you would like to see in Planet zoo 2! (Animals/mechanics)

I would like to see the Kakapo - a medium sized, nocturnal and flightless parrot endemic to New Zealand
221 Replies
eeFawn•3mo ago
We need a walrus or aardwolf 🤧
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•3mo ago
Goodfellow's tree kangaroo
Mr_Traszka•3mo ago
One simple thing. Add aquariums.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•3mo ago
I know most people only want aquariums for dolphins and sharks But not me Idc if we get those or not Im more interested in manatees and stingrays Seahorses, clownfish, anemone, coral, arowana, piranha, sea sponges
Mr_Traszka•3mo ago
Me too, sharks and dolphins are simple, there are so many other fishes or underwater animals that are so cool
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•3mo ago
Well i wouldnt call highly intelligent social animals simple Id more say overrated Yes sharks are intelligent Inorder to be a good hunter an animal needs to have some level of intelligence to catch their prey
Mr_Traszka•3mo ago
Well, yes, that would be a better word. But I would love to see turtles, rays, or the possibility of creating an entire underwater ecosystem (like a coral reef), composed of many small or larger fish (in a similar way to butterflies now).
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Mr_Traszka•3mo ago
Like this on the picture
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•3mo ago
Id say most of my ideas for reef tanks Tangs, butterflyfish, angelfish, damselfish, clownfish, triggerfish, pufferfish and boxfish Then theres also the matter of the separation of classing saltwater and freshwater fish Yes the salinity in the water is important Saltwater fish die in freshwater and freshwater fish die in saltwater Also water parameters Actually i forgot since aquariums are overly complexed to run Thats why we havent gotten them yet
Mr_Traszka•3mo ago
Well, it would definitely have to be solved somehow, either two separate types of aquariums, or the possibility of changing it in the options, as there are now options for terrariums
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•3mo ago
You need to understand the level of filtration, salinity, temperature, acidity and alkalines each animal requires
Mr_Traszka•3mo ago
That would be hard to someone, but I still think add aquariums will be a good idea
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•3mo ago
If the aquarium system worked kinda live the terrariums temperature and humidity system With a gauge to manage the parameters I'd also like aviaries too Perhaps the fruit bats can be changed to habitat instead of exhibit if we get aviaries
Mr_Traszka•3mo ago
Also a good idea
ONIONS GUY•3mo ago
I have a few ideas for some difficulty settings, like having an option for your zoo to be by a city, where prices for things are higher, or having it in a rural area where things cost less but you get less visitors. Another idea is to be able to have a prebuilt layout with a small enclosure, exhibit and entrance, or have it so it just starts off with a car park. Also having your conservation rating go down over time if you don’t release any animals or something.
LegoJAY12•3mo ago
I strongly feel like adding some sort of Carts for the keepers to use and/or Guest Services. Working in a zoo Irl it's a major part of the behind the scenes that not many of the guests will see but it would be interesting to see them utilize Gators or something for animal droppings and/or transporting food. Alongside, I feel as if it would be an interesting addition to add in the schedule system sort of like the one into Planet Coaster 2
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•3mo ago
Carts would speed their slow asses up Yes I like
Beezerduos•3mo ago
not sure if it's been said yet but I would love if you could actually walk around your zoo as a player in like 3rd person view like you could in zoo tycoon ultimate
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Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•3mo ago
I do not like Unless it was optional
unnamed•3mo ago
More storage space
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•3mo ago
If only Upgrade the storage to 400 atleast
Beezerduos•3mo ago
well ofc you weren't in it all the time in zoo tycoon ultimate either it was optional sure there were like quests to bring medicine to enclosures and stuff but you didn't have to do that
AANASN•3mo ago
mabye hotels so we can build a hotel in the zoo?
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•3mo ago
Don't know any zoos irl that do that Some hotels or theme parks own exotic animal collections that they use to attract people to the hotel But no zoo that i know of has hotels
AANASN•3mo ago
well we in norway has one zoo that has a hotel right outside the entrence but still would be cool way to earn money :)
Nyx•3mo ago
I really would like to see a KodKod. Its unlikely because they are extremely rare and not much is known about them. BUT it would bring attention to the animal and some awareness. I do also agree with carts! The number of times you want the staff to go somewhere and they are taking their sweet time is frustrating 😅
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•3mo ago
The game only adds animals that are currently in zoos or have a history of beint in zoos To my knowledge there has never been a single kodkod in captivity So absolutely not likely
ONIONS GUY•3mo ago
Werribee Zoo has some cabins and things
Batman•3mo ago
Add goofy animal statues like this.
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Vedinator4•3mo ago
I think they’d probably get quite a lot of hate for that ngl
ONIONS GUY•3mo ago
It’s not like you have to use them
Vedinator4•3mo ago
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•3mo ago
To my knowledge no zoo on earth has or has ever kept great eared nightjars So thats why they aren't in the game Literally all the animals ingame are or have been in real world zoos in some capacity They dont just add an animal because it looks cool
CryptidMom, Tim Drake's BigSad
aww, really? dang, i didnt know that. too bad, i'd love to have some in on 😦 im new to PZ, so im not exactly sure of everything. imma delete that now lol, feel embarrassed
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•3mo ago
I mean you didnt have to delete the message Now i just feel bad
CryptidMom, Tim Drake's BigSad
don feel bad lol. im a v anxious person, so when i mess up in tend to just delete stuff besides if there's little to no chance of it being added, there's no reason for me to leave it up
NachoMan1234•3mo ago
I want the Oceania and Domestic packs to come to console edition 😦
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•3mo ago
They will eventually
Sunny ★
Sunny ★•3mo ago
I would love Orcas. I hate reallife Zoos, especially when Sea Life lives there. But at the end, its a gam;e, not reallife.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•3mo ago
Kind ot unfair to lump all zoos together Conservation based zoos are SOOOO much better than entertainment based zoos So yeah comparing an accredited zoo to seaworld is like comparing a gourmet restaurant to a rat infested kitchen Some zoos are better some zoos are worse They arent all "animal prisons" But yeah orcas are one of the animals im highly against in captivity Orcas in captivity are almost never happy Especially seaworld orcas
Sunny ★
Sunny ★•3mo ago
Yeah but at least its a game. But I got a mod to have my orcas
NachoMan1234•3mo ago
Day and leopard geckos 🙂
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•3mo ago
Overall just any kind of gecko in my opinion How the hell have we not gotten geckos or chameleons yet They are zoo staples
NachoMan1234•3mo ago
What’s the name of the gecko that blends in with tree bark? Thats my favorite but I can see why it would be hard to code in
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•3mo ago
I beleive theres several species of gecko with that skill but its hard for to pinpoint a species Not too familiar with these types Never mind i remembered it
NachoMan1234•3mo ago
They should make an exhibit animal pack that just adds like 10 new exhibut animals. Parrots, Geckos, smaller tortoises/turtles, and more poison dart frog species
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•3mo ago
Mossy leaf tailed gecko
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Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•3mo ago
I actually don't want parrots to be exhibit
NachoMan1234•3mo ago
Yes that’s the one Well they’d be too small to be and enclosure animal I feel
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•3mo ago
Seems a waste to make a highly intelligent bird nothing more than an animal with a looped animation pattern and flight path Actually no they wouldnt be too small Parrots range in various sizes
NachoMan1234•3mo ago
You could also make it to wear they are (Enclosed) With the educators and their education talks. They’d sit on their shoulders and just chill
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•3mo ago
And exhibit is for simplistic animals that barely move irl anyway Reptiles tend to spend alot of time basking Bat spend alot of time sleeping And sloths hardly move at all Parrots are too complex to just make exhibit
NachoMan1234•3mo ago
Fair I feel a good fit for another exhibit animal could be ants or moles
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•3mo ago
Also tour logic of too small is flawed with parrots
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•3mo ago
This too small?
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NachoMan1234•3mo ago
Could also add the smallest cat species ever
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•3mo ago
But this is just right for habitat
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Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•3mo ago
Pretty sure we currently have that already Ah nvm
NachoMan1234•3mo ago
Nope this is
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Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•3mo ago
Rusty spotted cat is the smallest
NachoMan1234•3mo ago
That is an adult. And it’s the size of a leaf Adorable
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•3mo ago
You also tend to forget Leaves Particularly tropical varieties
NachoMan1234•3mo ago
Are massive yes
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•3mo ago
Also range in size
NachoMan1234•3mo ago
But like come on he’s so small. I feel like if it was added the only thing they could do with it is an exhibit
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•3mo ago
This is a kitten compared to human hands
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Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•3mo ago
Ive already mentioned Exhibit isnt chosen based on how small the animal is Its mostly based on how active the animals is
NachoMan1234•3mo ago
I’m new so I don’t really understand the processes that go into this sorry
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•3mo ago
Reptiles, amphibians and insects just kinda spend alot of time doing nothing Typically basking Which is why they are restricted to exhibit Bats often roost and sleep But to make them more interesting they were given a looped set flight pattern Same applies to butterflies
NachoMan1234•3mo ago
So they could add like horned frogs or the spiky lizards? (Forgot the names)
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•3mo ago
And sloths just kinda barely move I dont see why not
NachoMan1234•3mo ago
What’s an enclosure animal you’d like to see?
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•3mo ago
Honestly Goodfellow's tree kangaroos That or common patas monkeys
NachoMan1234•3mo ago
My personal favorite choice is probably the aardwolf. It’s an insect specialist
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NachoMan1234•3mo ago
Looks like a mini hyena
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•3mo ago
Thats because it is a hyena It is quite literally the smallest living species of hyena
NachoMan1234•3mo ago
Yeah If they add fully aquatic things I’d like belugas and dolphins. Do what sea world dosnt and treat them correctly
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•3mo ago
My reasoning for the patas monkey is just because i like them
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Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•3mo ago
Monkeys are common animal groups in zoos And i have an interest in oldworld monkeys Like colobus monkeys and guenons Would be neat to have common patas monkeys ingame and have them give enrichment benefits to other african forest animals Like the pygmy hippos But also make it that chimpanzees act aggressive towards them
NachoMan1234•3mo ago
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•3mo ago
Chimps are known monkey hunters
NachoMan1234•3mo ago
I’m conflicted on wether chimps should be added
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•3mo ago
Chimps consume smaller primates
NachoMan1234•3mo ago
They freak me out too much We already have bonobos and they’re like nicer chimps right?
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•3mo ago
Chimps are already in planet zoo one so i dont see why they wouldnt be in the sequal Plus the fact chimps, like lions, are popular animals and are staples in zoos Almost every zoo houses chimps
NachoMan1234•3mo ago
Oh that’s right this game is getting a sequel
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•3mo ago
Well nothing confirmed yet but we are speculating
NachoMan1234•3mo ago
Will people get a discount if they already have the first game. ? My girl ain’t happy I spent 136 bucks on this game She can get over it but it’s still a fair question
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•3mo ago
Not sure it will work that way
NachoMan1234•3mo ago
Worth a shot You got any zoos you’re working on right now? I’m trying to get 3 stars on hard mode in every park of career mode
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•3mo ago
Been taking a break from the game for a bit
unnamed•3mo ago
I spent 235 euro on this game 😄 You didn’t buy it on sale? I didn’t get a discount on Planet Coaster 2 so I doubt that.
NachoMan1234•3mo ago
No. There wasn’t even a Christmas deal
unnamed•3mo ago
What do you mean? The sale is rn.
NachoMan1234•3mo ago
Then I bought it right before the sale started
unnamed•3mo ago
Oh. The sale started Dec 19th and ends Jan 2th
NachoMan1234•3mo ago
Bro I bought it Dec 26 and no deal. Or maybe I did cause I got the season pass so I could get all dlc that come to the console version
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•3mo ago
Season pass doesnt apply to all the dlc sadly Barnyard and zookeepers pack will not be part of the season pass You gotta buy them separately
unnamed•3mo ago
Oh, I was talking about the Steam sale
NachoMan1234•3mo ago
Yeah console players ain’t got those liberties Bruh
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•3mo ago
Season pass only applies to 14 DLCs
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•3mo ago
North America, Europe, Aquatic, Twilight, Africa, Grassland, Tropical, Arid, Conservation, Arctic, Australia, South America, Eurasia and Oceania Wetlands and Southeast Asia were included as part of deluxe edition PlayStation store sometimes has sales on games and dlc
NachoMan1234•3mo ago
We don’t have Oceania yet. Didn’t find out till I tried building a kiwi exhibit
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•3mo ago
Keyword yet Oceania will be included in season pass and so will eurasia
NachoMan1234•3mo ago
LarryOP•2mo ago
I want to see a cotton-top tamarin
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•2mo ago
Hell yeah
IrisRain•2mo ago
- I want to see a larger variety of petting zoo animals and more interactions with guests. Also, have animals "have had enough" with visitors if their enclose gets crowded or they are being bothered. Have goats and sheep push rowdy kids. Have smaller animals hide instead. - I also want way more variety in exhibits designs, sizes and shapes (such as roofless or customizeable ones for indoor use or animals that are bad at climbing and also native to the zoo's temperature and biome). I do not want to exhibits to look the same other than a pile of leaf litter being positioned differently. - I want to see popular or interesting fish species to be used in exhibits. (within reason, such as matching size requirements) - Working playgrounds are a must. - If multiple keepers take care of an animal, have them have a favorite one. - Give keepers, vets, and educators groups of animals they have bonuses for => you can choose the best one for your planned expansion, giving more depth to workers. - Rework enrichment items so that they wear out, be destroyed or get boring. Add a tab to the enclosure that lets you customize or automate a selection of enrichment items that will be added into visitor visible areas of the enclosure when the keeper takes care of the animal. Old, worn out, boring or destroyed enrichment items will be removed and replaced with different ones. Animals should interact less with these items once they wear out, become damaged or boring, and far more when it is a new item. Have at minimum two types of ice enrichment: food filled and non food filled. The ice lasts a short time and does not need to be removed, while the food keeps the animals fed even if their bowl is currently empty. Having more variety in enrichment items not only adds realism, but also makes old enclosures still worth a look later on in the game - especially if you added or unlocked an enrichment item the animals did not know about yet. - More foxes - Add a "paint path"-mode for easier plazas. - Have a road connect to your park, and, even if you cannot build outside of the park, have parking spaces and outside buildings be customizable with sliders like those used in exhibits. It looks really bad to have a zoo in the middle of nothing, with no viable way of visitors to reach the entrance that doesn't involve science fiction technology or magic. - Make the collision boxes of trees, rocks and similar items fit more snuck with the actual model, thus making it easier to create customized dens and animal housing that can actually be used by the animals in question without building unrealistically big.
Batman•2mo ago
https://streamable.com/xyk31i Growth animation like this
Watch Ontogeny_GrowthDemo | Streamable
Watch "Ontogeny_GrowthDemo" on Streamable.
Doggie2•2mo ago
I wanna see more deer like elk Whitetail deer, mule deer
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•2mo ago
More interested in seeing more exotic deer The 4 species we have are north american and european Reindeer, moose, red deer and european fallow deer I wanna see some asian species Sika deer, Père David's deer, water deer, Reeve's muntjac, chital and sambar deer just to name a few Some south american species would be fun too Like southern pudu
Doggie2•2mo ago
Also Rusa
Doggie2•2mo ago
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IrisRain•2mo ago
- Rework coolers or add additional ones that have a single additional perk: allowing for snow on rocks and trees even when the map climate is above freezing. Having a penguin house or an indoor arctic fox with enclosure with snow would be wonderful. while it isn't the most realistic, I would also love to be able to add properly snow covered areas to regular zoos. if this is too expensive when it comes to ressources, please instead add an addiotnal set of tundra flora, scenery and rocks that have a light or medium snow cover - perfectly white rocks do not cut it.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•2mo ago
The javan rusa is a close cousin of the sambar deer Literally both belonging to the same genus So either one is fine
Doggie2•2mo ago
Yeah they can also hybridise and make rubar, I also see rusa all the time irl so that’s why id rather see rusa then sambar
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•2mo ago
Surprisingly a little known fact Aslong as a species is in the same genus
Doggie2•2mo ago
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•2mo ago
Hybridization is possible
Doggie2•2mo ago
they can yea u told me before I just felt like saying it
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•2mo ago
Also funfact Did you know a hybrid between an asian elephant and african elephant was once born in a zoo
Doggie2•2mo ago
What the nope had no clue
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•2mo ago
The thing sadly died shortly after birth
Doggie2•2mo ago
yea that’s sad
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•2mo ago
They even named him Mottley i beleive
Doggie2•2mo ago
the species or the elephant?
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•2mo ago
His name was motty
Doggie2•2mo ago
I see
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•2mo ago
Its hard to tell he's a hybrid
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Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•2mo ago
But he has features of both african elephants and asian elephant The large ears of the african And the short thin layer of fuzzy body hair Only present on asian elephants
Doggie2•2mo ago
When did this happen?
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•2mo ago
1978 Before zoos focused more on Conservation and welfare
Doggie2•2mo ago
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•2mo ago
Chester zoo was the location motty was born in
Doggie2•2mo ago
Where’s that
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•2mo ago
Doggie2•2mo ago
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•2mo ago
Actually african elephants amd asian elephants aint even part of the same genus So In order for hybridization They merely have to be in the same taxonomic family
bregannn•2mo ago
And now Chester zoo is considered one of the best in the uk.
IrisRain•2mo ago
Likely already mentioned but: Let me select, copy and move terrain and paths. Also, add a selection option to the multi selection that lets you limit the selection to specific items or item types.
jay•2mo ago
national parks and conservatives
BabyBull2968•2mo ago
a setting where keepers dont have to add more food
LarryOP•2mo ago
That’s another key think I’d like to see
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•2mo ago
Weight loss and weight gain Starving animals appear bony and skinny Overfed animals appear rotund and obese To get an overweight animal to a healthy weight give them more of the play enrichment so they have a means of exercise Example, dingoes playing with the tugging rope and splashing in the pool to exercise
ONIONS GUY•2mo ago
The problem is, they would have to model a skinny and rotund model for every species, and for the juveniles of every species too.
LarryOP•2mo ago
But the difference it would make
IrisRain•2mo ago
Indeed. Imagine animals that get taken from smugglers or saved from bad husbandry have visible poor conditions like being overfed or skinny and sickly. Within your zoo, that would happen far less frequently, unless something goes wrong, but it would really add a lot of depth. Also, for animal trading and releasinfg into the wild, a good weight would be a spec zoo keepers could reasonably manage and perfect for higher rewards, compared to genetics that are based on chance and sheer numbers.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•2mo ago
Probably also the same reason arctic foxes keep their winter coats ingame Because they'd have to model a summer form I mean i think if you have animals with scars they came from those situations Yeah animals have scars ingame
Batman•2mo ago
C'mon, Frontier can do it if they could.
I like the idea, believe me. I just don't think it would be possible
IrisRain•5w ago
changing coats would be nice. dont know how the location of the zoo or artificial heating and cooling would affect that, though. then again.. if you have an animal dlc pack that has 5 animals, and it costs 12 bucks new, you kind of want to have features like that, regardless of the additional work it may cause. it is unfair to compare it to free content created by the modding and workshop communities, but some animals feel like they add exactly as much. changing coats would also mean seasons, which would mean having trees and vegetation change colors. also having weather be cold in the winter months rather than randomly. this is a lot of work. but, honestly, if they want to make a new game, and have it be better, they better give us features that are impressive or significantly change the game for the better. otherwise, why would i pay full price and basically get rid of all dlc i bought for the base game, only to start from scratch with limited animals only for a slight improvement and the chance of getting stuff i am fond of back within years. if it is like that, i would rather continue paying for dlc and hoping for free updates that improve the game.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•5w ago
Tbf the main reason why yhe arctic fox doesn't change its coat How time passes in the game
Batman•5w ago
Every DLCs would be obviously worth it if one of the animals in each of every DLCs has a unique feature and behavior which no other animals possessed.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•5w ago
Yeah but think about it Time works very differently ingame Like time moves very quickly Sobthe arctic fox coat would just change very frequently
IrisRain•5w ago
they could slow down time, if it is any help..
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•5w ago
Changing an entire mechanic seems too drastic Especially since its just gonna make tortoise aging a billion times slower
IrisRain•5w ago
..they could make seasons last 1 year each, so you can have both? not perfect.. but better than nothing.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•5w ago
But that takes away from the realism
IrisRain•5w ago
permanently white, fluffy foxes do as well. just at a smaller scale, maybe.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•5w ago
Maybe they thought people wouldn't recognise an arctic fox if it wasn't white Kinda the same issue the red deer, european fallow deer and moose follow Males antlers fall off annually
IrisRain•5w ago
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•5w ago
You wouldn't easily differentiate males from females during those times And the change wouldnt last very long I think each season only lasts about a minute
IrisRain•5w ago
there is no nice solution to this. as you said, turtles would be rather bad if you increase the duration of winter coats to anything reasonable. my zoo is at year 15 and i did not build a single enclosure yet. that is 30 times of color change. which is a lot. maybe if you allowed to sell young turtles, and only can buy adult ones.. but that isnt exactly a solution either.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•5w ago
Technically you can sell and release young adults But thats the thing Young adult Not juvenile Also ngl i wish they add a feature to punish you for releasing domesticated animals like the llama and bactrian camel Like take away Conservation points and stars Domestic species do not contribute to conservation at all If anything kinda harm it Technically simply breeding them does conserve domestic species, but they should stay captive They cause more harm than good when released
IrisRain•5w ago
on the same hand, zoos do not contribute to the number of almost all species of the african savanna, as vastely more animals are cought then released. but you already pay for those with conservation points.. so.. its okayish?
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•5w ago
To my knowledge zoos ghese days do not capture animals Almost all animals are bred from the earlier generations of zoo animals Which those were wild caught However some are rescues from illegal captures or smuggling Illegal wild caught animals are typical infants when they are stolen so can no longer be released As they never learned to survive properly in the wild
IrisRain•5w ago
there have been agreements that limit the capture of wild animals, but that is limited to those that are endangered.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•5w ago
Sometimes a new species is collected and brought into zoos to start up a captive breeding programme to ensure the survival of the species While not new to zoos A bunch of panamanian golden frogs were captured and brought into the breeding program due to a fungal virus killing the wild population The species is critically endangered
IrisRain•5w ago
chitrid, yes.. nasty stuff..
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•5w ago
Fungal infections are the main cause of modern amphibian extinctions
IrisRain•5w ago
i used to keep poison dart frog, and many species of them are threatened in the wild due to that fungal pandemic. some are extinct in their natural habitat.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•5w ago
Reptiles and amphibians seem to be good candidates for rereleases anyway They are instinctually jumpy and skittish
IrisRain•5w ago
there are "captive" breeding programs where frogs are released on controlled island eco systems, and these programs additionally breed for hobbyists to fund their effords, but they can only do so much.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•5w ago
And since frogs and lizards are often fed live insects they can still hunt for themselves too
IrisRain•5w ago
some banana plantages also have a secondary function as frog breeding ground. a little extra money for doing the right thing..
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•5w ago
One of the best courses of action though is to just protect their habitats National parks and nature preserves
IrisRain•5w ago
...the amazon rainforest can no longer be restored with our current knowledge. rain has washed away most of the soil, as agriculture and wood harvesting crept deeper and deeper into the jungle, thus destroying important the circle of rain and evaporation that needs to happen several times for water to reach into the depths of the continent. trees are having symbiotic relationships with other trees and fungy, most of which we only scratched the surface of. so.. really.. those poison dart frogs and everything they shared their habitats with is more or less screwed. we can give them forests. mixed forests too. but it will take ages for anything natural to form, and chances are very high it will never be the same as before. maybe if we researched more into the inner workings of these forests.. but, really, all that research happens with very limited funds, as there is no profit to be had here. just.. the survival of 10% of all known species and humans in the area.
IrisRain•5w ago
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Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•5w ago
It makes it worse when a species is only known to inhabit one section of the jungle The spix's macaw's old habitat is mostly gone It's either the pied tamarin or the cotton top tamarin thats currently losing its small section of jungle
IrisRain•5w ago
for poison dart frogs, a small river can seperate two distinct color morphs or sub species. they are sometimes so close to each other they could hear each others calls, if the jungle was more silent. and yet, that small barrier protects them from interbreeding. but it is easily skipped by chitrid. some of them are living in tiny dots on maps.. *most
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•5w ago
Other species worldwide have heavilt fragmented ranges Lions, cheetahs, tigers, eurasian beavers, european bison (wisent) Some of them are healing slightly But the sad fact is they will never return to their once wider range
IrisRain•5w ago
..cheetahs are notorious for being inbreed, so hard to say if they will bounce back in time.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•5w ago
The asiatic subspecies being in the worst scenario Critically endangered
IrisRain•5w ago
though isolated species can delevop resistences against inbreeding.. if they are given the time and chance.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•5w ago
To quote the lion king 2 "sometimes what's left behind can grow better than the generation before, if given the chance"
IrisRain•5w ago
i mean.. some species changed significantly within a human's lifetime. evolution isnt always slow. but most species sadly do not reach adulthood within a year, and they are lower in numbers, so lack of diversity limits the chances of benefitical traits to develop. also, many species are so fragmented in their habitat that they are less likely to breed. aanyway.. will do something productive for now. see you!
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•5w ago
IrisRain•5w ago
Let me click on enrichment items to shake/move them. Have animals that are satisfied and healthy react to that, encouraging them to play.
Batman•5w ago
A feature which we can still observe on the animals which has been released to the wild.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•4w ago
Actually give the basegame animals access to the natural termite mound
IrisRain•4w ago
Let me add invisible "points of interest" for the animals, that allow you to not only encourage animals to visit that spot more frequently than plain nothing, but also allow you to choose a basic animation or action the animal should do at that spot. You can build heat lamps for your reptiles in the game, but they do not work. So being able to say "this spot is good. go here and [rest]" would be incredible.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•4w ago
Honestly Love this Another idea i would love Cooler and heaters that look like natural rock or log formations So they aren't this ugly metal vent making your mostly naturalistic habitat look hideous Yes i know i can lower them underground or cover them with a rock But I'd rather remember where i placed the cooler/heater so i can remove it if i swap species in the habitat Id love the idea of the items being "heating rock" and "cooling tree" Make them more expensive than the basic heaters and coolers But They have a wider radious than the basic ones So you don't have to place so many
Batman•4w ago
I have suggested this alot of times but Herbivores should be able to kill and injure Carnivores in Planet Zoo 2.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•4w ago
Yes Elephants, rhinos, hippos, giraffes, buffalo, ostriches and zebras should be able to injure or kill lions, leopards and hyenas
Escaping_reali_tee•4w ago
A new patching system and where you can click and drag to make a habitat of any size also a indercator of now big the habitat will be
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•4w ago
If you click on the habitat you can see the landspace
Escaping_reali_tee•4w ago
I was more thinking whilst you were building the habitat so you could the click and drag to rezise easily
Hail Satin
Hail Satin•4w ago
A way to make custom patterns and logos like in animal crossing Maybe like you can share the patterns too Also like the old school doll makers but making a mascot lol that you can put on merch and plushies and stuff Would be cool to have a museum also and be able to host night events or marathons and stuff like irl zoos do
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•4w ago
I think the museum idea sounds good Some zoos habe museum displays Dublin zoo has the conservation/elephant museum Where they have alot of stuff like taxidermy, skeletons and confiscated animal parts from poachers
Hail Satin
Hail Satin•4w ago
Ya exactly : D little things for people to interact with and whatnot would be fun I've seen like "conservation centres" too Basically do it like the gift shop but for education
Hail Satin
Hail Satin•4w ago
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Batman•4w ago
People actually interacting with some scenery and construction items would be a cool idea.
celestialmissyy•4w ago
This might be too much but the ability to visit other zoos. I’d also like to see what how my adopted out animals are doing
Batman•4w ago
Add the headless-like behaviours for the penguins.
IrisRain•4w ago
You mean like falling in love with paper cutouts of penguin anime girls, trying to breed stones, trying to hatch stones, stealing each others eggs so you can have more or any at all, stealing each others nest material?
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•4w ago
I think the mean this
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IrisRain•4w ago
IrisRain•4w ago
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Batman•4w ago
TIL, i learned penguin has headless-like behaviours. Thanks to IDKSterling.
Batman•4w ago
Increases the social group limit for Spotted Hyenas.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•4w ago
Decrease the social group limit for penguins and flamingoes Lets all be real Who is gonna have 500 flamingoes in their zoo? Lower it to atleast 30 That seems reasonable
Batman•4w ago
Oh wait, they already do it in-game. I thought Frontier will just ignored the detail, but they added it. That's a nice touch from Frontier.
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Batman•4w ago
Sandbox and Creativity, especially.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•4w ago
Even in sandbox they still cause lag issues Ive tested it
Batman•4w ago
More varied Guest opinions and comments on viewing animals.
IrisRain•3w ago
small change: let me rotate the solar panel regardless of the orientation of its control panel. i want it to face the sun even if path layout favors its panel to be rotated a different way.
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LarryOP•3w ago
lol only if
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden•2w ago
Give sloth bear access to both termite mounds Sloth bears irl feed on ants and termites alot Also give aardvark, bonobo, western chimpanzee, chinese pangolin, lar gibbon, meetkat and siamang access to the natural termite mound
LarryOP•2d ago
Black howler monkeys would be cool to see

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