Any recommendation for JS porfolio project?

Hi everyone! I was wondering what would be a good project for my portfolio that makes sense to build without libraries like React and more vanilla js. Thanks in advance!
3 Replies
You can build anything with vanilla JS and not use a framework. Frameworks just make it easier to do stuff and things, but its all built under the hood with vanilla JS
MagoOP3mo ago
Hello Andrew, for me, the idea is like when you think, "I'll make a to-do app," it makes more sense to do it with React. So I was looking for something that makes more sense to build with vanilla JavaScript. But maybe my approach is not correct, and I should just focus on showcasing React projects in my portfolio since, in the end, they're all JavaScript anyway. Thanks!
Joao3mo ago
If the goal is showcase your skills, use whatever you like. If the goal is to practice and gaining understanding, you're much better off using vanilla JavaScript. That said, there's no reason not to use both. Make something simpler like the to-do list using vanilla JavaScript first, then you can make something else a little more challenging using React.

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