18 Replies
how do i paste my code for both html and css here?
use jsfiddle or codepen to show the problem
seeing the issue makes it possible for us to debug
please, dont throw 50k lines of html and css
yep thats why i asked
just enough to show the issue you have
the size of the image is 1310 x 933
use a placeholder image, like https://placecats.com/1310/933
you learn something new everyday
placeholder services are pretty common
there's also https://placehold.co/, which just does an image with text
well heres the updated version i guess
can you have a look
wait is the image here ok?
yes, it's fine
by the way, don't use
as a space
that's the worst anyone can do
even the devil wouldn't do such a thing to his enemiesdamn is this taboo in the html community
should i use <span>
i just needed 1 space tbh
just use a space
and no, it's not taboo
it's the wrong character
i can't even imagine what a visually impaired would hear from that, with a screen reader
just a space will do it
it wasnt enough
in fact, you can put as many spaces as you wish, and it will show as 1 space
it works for me