Help with bootstrap grid system
hey, ill be quick i just want 4 columns in a row but the last column takes up twice as much space. So maybe there is a way to make 5 columns instead and over flow column 4 onto 5 idk. (yes im new). Thanks.
24 Replies
bootstrap is based on a 12-column system
you have to have 12 columns or it wraps
you can do 3-3-3-3
thats what im saying, how do you get 4 to add up to 12 but making the last appear twice as long
thats is 12
or you can try 2-2-2-6
i did but thats thrice
if that is too much, just play around
i been trying
like 2-3-3-4
here ill show you the effect im trying to get in an ss
or 2-2-3-5

the last one is a video
and its double the others
you are very limited with bootstrap
you can do something else
or 5-7
then, on the 5, you can do 4-4-4 inside
so inside a row i make 4-8 and inside 4 i make a row with 4-4-4?
you will have something like this:
- col-5
- col-4
- col-4
- col-4
- col-7
so basically this right
but i would use 5-7 to give space for the links
yep ill do that
nobody will care if it is or isnt double
but people will care if it os too tifht
also one morwe thing
im trying to create a parralax effect
but the background image is anchored on the bottom
not on top
ive never made a paralax from scratch, always used ready-made stuff
and even then, it wasnt because i wanted
so, i cant help you with that, but someone else might
alright thanks anyways
tbh @ἔρως i think its more of a me problem than a parralax can you have a look?
you can always post, but i would create a different post for that
please stay with me i really gotta make this
im working and have other things to do (besides being tired beyond all reason)
but if i see your post and am awake enough, i can take a look without promising to answer