Help!!! It seems my website is hosted on Cloudflare, but I don't have the access credentials, and I

Help!!! It seems my website is hosted on Cloudflare, but I don't have the access credentials, and I can't manage it. What can I do?
23 Replies
LetiOP4mo ago
@Cloudflare (Server Owner) @Flare
Walshy4mo ago
SuperHelpflare4mo ago
These links may help, but they only work when logged out. You can always use an Incognito Window or a Private Window to ensure you're logged out. If you know the email: If you know the email and have 2FA or email delivery issues: If you don't know the email:
LetiOP4mo ago
I don't know either email or password how can I do account recovery @Walshy ?? I don't know either email or password @SuperHelpflare
Walshy4mo ago
so click the last one
LetiOP4mo ago
Sorry, I don't understand what you're telling me I can do.
Walshy4mo ago
If you don't know the email:
LetiOP4mo ago
I've done this several times but I get nothing. I don't know who I can contact to confirm that I have a cloudflare account, and how to recover my access data. @Walshy @SuperHelpflare
Walshy4mo ago
Make sure the domain you're entering is active on cloudflare if you can't find there's text at the bottom of the page saying what to do
LetiOP4mo ago
I have already done everything that is stated in the link and I have not solved anything
Walshy4mo ago
I can confirm the process works, I got an email testing my own account. So it sounds like you have fully lost the old email and will need a new account here and to move your domains over
LetiOP4mo ago
Yes, I was trying this, but they ask me to log in to my account to create a new one, and since I can't log in...
Walshy4mo ago This is for a new account, it doesn't require to login
LetiOP4mo ago
I have managed to create a new account, but what is it for? I was supposed to have already hosted my website here, I had to already have an account with everything integrated, right?
Walshy4mo ago
You'll need to migrate your domains and things over to your new account If you can't recover your old, this is the path
LetiOP4mo ago
And how can I do that?
Walshy4mo ago
Add new site, enter your domain, move your DNS records over If it isn't setup in something like Terraform, it won't be fun but sadly, is the way
LetiOP4mo ago
Thank you, I don't know how to do any of this that you tell me. And the truth is that I don't understand anything. The domain provider tells me that I do not have the hosting with them but with Cloudflare, Shopify, which is where I have the website, tells me the same thing, but I have nothing in Cloudflare. I'll try something else tomorrow. Thank you very much for your help.
Walshy4mo ago
That may be why the account recovery wasn't working - if you have a Shopify store, they're the ones you have an account with not us What's the domain?
LetiOP4mo ago I have already spoken with shopify, and they have told me that I do not have the website hosted there, that I have it with a third-party provider
Walshy4mo ago
Ok nope, it has CF nameservers so yeah it should be configured here
LetiOP4mo ago
What are CF name servers?

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