New Bazzite User With 2 Small Issues
Hi there. New user here. I've figured most stuff out on my own but 2 things I'm stuck on.
1st, when I'm in gamemode - in a game - if I don't move my mouse and let it disappear so there is no mouse on my screen, my screen suddenly changes colors and all the color on the screen suddenly goes very dull (nearly black and white), if I start moving my mouse again it reverts back.
2nd, I'm running a game that uses a lot of ram, and someone told me to use zram or zswap to fix a problem I'm getting with the game. How do I start using it? I tried looking it up online but everyone says different answers. I tried editing the zram generator conf file as someone said online, but it doesn't let me edit the file. Any help is appreciated, cheers guys.
5 Replies
I have no idea about question 1. However question 2 on Zram I answered in Reddit a few months ago
wolfyreload's comment on "Increase Swap Memory"
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Cheers, legend. I've just put the command in the terminal and edited the config. How do I save it? Linux noob here. π
CTRL+X, when it prompts you to save press Y, then press enter
Thank you so much man, you've been more helpful than the entire internet in literally 2 minutes. π
You are welcome, hope it helps π