When adding tailscaleAuthKey, nothing loads and no console messages

I have an exit node set up on centos, and select the exit node through the app on my phone and lookup my IP to verify everything with the exit node is working. My jar runs (to the point that it can without networking) on both my phone and pc, but if I add tailscaleAuthKey: "MY_KEY", nothing runs and there are no browser consoles messages to suggest anything is wrong with my key
5 Replies
PalidinoOP4mo ago
(async function () {
await cheerpjInit({
tailscaleAuthKey: "MY_KEY"
cheerpjCreateDisplay(-1, -1, document.body);
(async function () {
await cheerpjInit({
tailscaleAuthKey: "MY_KEY"
cheerpjCreateDisplay(-1, -1, document.body);
apignotti4mo ago
@Jisse Meruma Please help the user with his networking setup. @Palidino Can you share a complete minimal example that demonstrates the problem? Without your key, of course
Jisse Meruma
Jisse Meruma4mo ago
Hi @Palidino, Could you share a minimal screenshot of the connected nodes of your Tailscale Network inside the admin console without any ip addresses ofcourse. when you have started the cheerpJ client with an Pre-Authkey? CheerpJ creates a node inside your Tailscale network. I would like to know if a node is created once you start up your jar file. It also should be connected to the Tailscale control plane you can see this with the green connected dot next to a node.
PalidinoOP4mo ago
Thanks for the quick reply! I ended up copying the partial key displayed on the keys page rather than the full key I did run into a different issue though. Using a key works fine for running a jar, but if I were to use the applet tag, my main class stops being found if I add tailscaleAuthKey. If I remove it, it finds my main class fine
(async function () {
await cheerpjInit({
(async function () {
await cheerpjInit({
Changing it to
await cheerpjInit({
tailscaleAuthKey: "KEY"
await cheerpjInit({
tailscaleAuthKey: "KEY"
Gets me "load: class MainClass not found.", where the first bit of code works fine.
apignotti4mo ago
This I can explain easily. Applets are normally downloaded via the builtin HTTP handler than used the browser fetch. But if you enable tailscale CheerpJ assumes you want to use it for all networking access, including HTTP traffic, so the builtin handler is disabled. I assume that in your setup the tailscale network does not have access to the server hosting the applet You can forcefully enable the fetch based handler by adding a property when starting CheerpJ cheerpjInit({.... javaProperties:["java.protocol.handler.pkgs=com.leaningtech.handlers"] ...} Marking the issue as resolved, since the original problem was clarified. For further discussion you can also use the #cheerpj channel

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