
Issue in game.

When i load into valorant it seems fine, however when i load into a game i am fine for about 20 seconds. after that my game freezes and unfreezes frequently. My ping also jumps. Ive tried lowering max fps, updating all drivers, reinstalling the game and im at the point where i dont know what to do. Its seems that looking online doesnt solve the issue. please help!!!!
6 Replies
ARISE4mo ago
depends on processor and if you run multiple things in background even if you don't know they are running they will be using the processor you should check your control panel while playing if there are any other apps are running or not otherwise you need to reinstall windows because sometimes the os itself have issues
Jidat4mo ago
Can u take a recording of the freezing?
zayyy4mo ago
wait i have the same issue as well, i swear the game was working well till today, its just freezing and its not my pc
ARISE3mo ago
client response issues then
zayyy3mo ago
i fixed it, i realised that it was running on my intergrated gpu, i had to change it to nvidia one and it worked
ARISE3mo ago
actually valorant is a cpu based game it doesn't work depnding on gpu altho it can work if you use the nvidia for recording at stuff it will take a few load of the pressure it puts on your processor

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