Timeout on every App action
my Tipi ran fine for a couple of months, after an update I am not able to start/stop/remove some of the apps because of a timeout:
backend: 2024-12-01T07:48:20.390Z - error > Failed to start app sabnzbd: Timeout
backend: 2024-12-01T07:56:25.393Z - error > Failed to uninstall app sabnzbd: Timeout
System is a proxmox vm, os Ubuntu 22.04.5 4 GB RAM
Any action on the specific apps lead to a timeout. Some are running just fine. What can I do?
45 Replies
Please follow the guidelines from the pinned post in #🙋🏼・help
Logs, debug etc
It seems that I cannot send attachments, so here are the logs as plain:
backend: 2024-12-01T07:48:20.390Z - error > Failed to start app sabnzbd: Timeout
backend: 2024-12-01T07:56:25.393Z - error > Failed to uninstall app sabnzbd: Timeout
backend: 2024-12-01T08:12:52.778Z - error > Failed to reset app sabnzbd: Timeout
backend: 2024-12-01T08:19:04.466Z - error > Failed to update app sabnzbd: Timeout
backend: 2024-12-01T08:28:27.937Z - error > Failed to reset app sabnzbd: Timeout
backend: 2024-12-01T08:33:42.022Z - error > Failed to reset app sabnzbd: Timeout
backend: 2024-12-01T08:40:21.601Z - error > Failed to reset app sabnzbd: Timeout
Could you run ./runtipi-cli debug?
The output of this command was somehow put in the attached message.txt of the last post
Okay I’m on phone so cannot see it, I’ll check later
Iḿ totally lost here - does anybody have an idea?
Does this happen with all apps?
Or only sabnzbd?
Sorry for not answering ealier, we are going to solve this
Currently it is only sabnzbd left with this problem. The other apps run fine (I don´t know why, they had also timeouts before)
In your server can you try to run
docker pull lscr.io/linuxserver/sabnzbd:4.3.3
This seems to work:
borsti@tipi:~$ docker pull lscr.io/linuxserver/sabnzbd:4.3.3
4.3.3: Pulling from linuxserver/sabnzbd
68c4ea3779b6: Already exists
df25a931801a: Already exists
ab0ddebe54a6: Already exists
19f39f464468: Already exists
7560e3e46aa2: Already exists
339ecd878087: Already exists
2594037ee578: Pull complete
600a309ee8e5: Pull complete
4f6645716e64: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:ff682bedd109c45dbad25ab8edcc4f3b837b9ac48c39751fbbb33a858eab97d0
Status: Downloaded newer image for lscr.io/linuxserver/sabnzbd:4.3.3
Okay so you have the image locally!
Do you see
if you run docker ps
borsti@tipi:~$ docker ps -a
81bc9ff7ddbb ghcr.io/linuxserver/radarr:5.15.1 "/init" 6 days ago Up 6 days>7878/tcp, [::]:8088->7878/tcp radarr
17347f571f56 lscr.io/linuxserver/plex:1.41.2 "/init" 6 days ago Up 6 days plex
13a288644667 traefik:v3.1.4 "/entrypoint.sh --pr…" 6 days ago Up 6 days>80/tcp, :::80->80/tcp,>443/tcp, :::443->443/tcp runtipi-reverse-proxy
83c447ccb19a ghcr.io/runtipi/runtipi:v3.7.1 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 6 days ago Up 6 days (healthy) 3000/tcp, 5001/tcp runtipi
2f8870f68663 postgres:14 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 6 days ago Up 6 days (healthy)>5432/tcp, :::5432->5432/tcp runtipi-db
38fbba90ec12 lscr.io/linuxserver/sonarr:4.0.11 "/init" 7 days ago Up 6 days>8989/tcp, [::]:8098->8989/tcp sonarr
oh sorry, weird formatting
No problem
In runtipi, try to install sabnzbd and then go to your
you should see a line like in the imageCan you show me this line?
It is currently showing as "running", is there any way to forcefully remove this app? In this state I am not sure how to install the app:
You can stop then uninstall
Or no
You can click update
We should see this line aswell
You have a timeout when stopping aswell?
Yeah I already clicked "Stop" and now it is stuck. This happens with all actions, Reset, Stop, Update all results in timeout. The app.log does not show any additional line, it is relatively silent 😉
You don't see any
logs?No, only the one error line
THere are info lines in the past (e.g. from November 28), but nothing more after that.
Okay there is something odd. What do you see if you run
docker exec -it runtipi rabbitmqctl status
You have no logs since 1st december 🤔 maybe try to start again
./runtipi-cli start
and check again app.log
There is one new line now because of the timeout of the "Stop" Command: backend: 2024-12-05T14:27:57.770Z - error > Failed to stop app sabnzbd: Timeout
Do the following:
./runtipi-cli stop
2. ./runtipi-cli start
3. docker compose logs
Is it normal that I can run the runtipi-cli only as root/sudo?
You have an error?
It will ask you to use sudo if some permissions are wrong
Stop does work. I will try to start again
But with the start command I get this copy system files error
Okay then run it with sudo
It's because runtipi needs to set some folder permissions initially
Maybe there was something wrong
Ok it is started:
borsti@tipi:~/runtipi$ cat logs/app.log
backend: 2024-12-05T14:35:35.820Z - info > Logs flushed
backend: 2024-12-05T14:35:35.821Z - info > Running version: v3.7.1
backend: 2024-12-05T14:35:35.821Z - info > Generating system env file...
backend: 2024-12-05T14:35:35.823Z - info > Repo https://github.com/runtipi/runtipi-appstore already exists
backend: 2024-12-05T14:35:35.825Z - info > Pulling repo https://github.com/runtipi/runtipi-appstore to /data/repos/29ca930bfdaffa1dfabf5726336380ede7066bc53297e3c0c868b27c97282903
backend: 2024-12-05T14:35:35.825Z - info > Executing: git config --global --add safe.directory /data/repos/29ca930bfdaffa1dfabf5726336380ede7066bc53297e3c0c868b27c97282903
backend: 2024-12-05T14:35:36.110Z - info > Executing: git -C /data/repos/29ca930bfdaffa1dfabf5726336380ede7066bc53297e3c0c868b27c97282903 config pull.rebase false
backend: 2024-12-05T14:35:36.193Z - info > Executing: git -C /data/repos/29ca930bfdaffa1dfabf5726336380ede7066bc53297e3c0c868b27c97282903 rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
backend: 2024-12-05T14:35:36.265Z - info > Executing: git -C /data/repos/29ca930bfdaffa1dfabf5726336380ede7066bc53297e3c0c868b27c97282903 fetch origin && git -C /data/repos/29ca930bfdaffa1dfabf5726336380ede7066bc53297e3c0c868b27c97282903 reset --hard origin/master
backend: 2024-12-05T14:35:49.113Z - info > Pulled repo https://github.com/runtipi/runtipi-appstore to /data/repos/29ca930bfdaffa1dfabf5726336380ede7066bc53297e3c0c868b27c97282903
backend: 2024-12-05T14:35:49.125Z - info > Creating traefik folders
backend: 2024-12-05T14:35:49.127Z - info > Copying traefik files
backend: 2024-12-05T14:35:49.173Z - info > Creating base folders
backend: 2024-12-05T14:35:49.174Z - info > Creating media folders
backend: 2024-12-05T14:35:49.180Z - info > TLS certificate for tipi.local already exists
Sadly the app again shows as running but the container is not there
Now try to stop and check app.log again
The app? Or runtipi?
The app
backend: 2024-12-05T14:38:10.291Z - info > Stopping app sabnzbd
backend: 2024-12-05T14:38:10.328Z - info > Regenerating app.env file for app sabnzbd
backend: 2024-12-05T14:38:10.340Z - info > Running docker compose with args --env-file /app-data/sabnzbd/app.env --project-name sabnzbd -f /data/apps/sabnzbd/docker-compose.yml -f /data/repos/29ca930bfdaffa1dfabf5726336380ede7066bc53297e3c0c868b27c97282903/apps/docker-compose.common.yml rm --force --stop
backend: 2024-12-05T14:38:11.850Z - info > App sabnzbd stopped
backend: 2024-12-05T14:38:11.854Z - info > App sabnzbd stopped successfully
So I can try to update now?
Thank you so much 🙂 🙂
Is there any donation button?
Hehe, glad we solved it
Yes there is a sponsor button in your dashboard 😄
Were you one of the people commenting here? https://github.com/runtipi/runtipi/issues/1813
[BUG] App installl timeoout error · Issue #1813 · runtipi/runtipi
Proxmox version 8.3.0 Runtipi version tried V 3.7.1 , V 3.7.0 Promox LXC VE Helper scripts tried. https://community-scripts.github.io/ProxmoxVE/scripts?id=runtipi Direct Ubuntu 22.04 LXC Container ...
Donation is set up!
No, I did not comment there
Thank you!
thanks. i've experienced this and this thread is very helpful.
restart everything resolves 99% of problems! 😅