i cant log in to my account
i had it made then my brother made a new account with the same email on xbox and everytime i log in it starts me off as a level 1 and all my skins gone. my old account still exists bc my friend told me its still added.
8 Replies
We've tried to do a support email too and tried all the emails his acc could possibly had but nothings working
someone reply
preferably someone that can help
Make sure your logging in through usernames not google feature
If your still having problems
Contact support
has support replied?
nah he made a support ticket like a week or 2 ago
no reply
and then when he logged in with HUFFJ14 it took him to a new account he made with his email
that had different digits at the end
Support didnt reply
elaborate on this
wym different digits at the end
the numbers at the end of ur riot name??
oh do you mean the tagline
like after the #
so the acc was still huffj14 but with a different tag?
@#1 BuZz fan
exactly that
and his account still exists
but he can only log into the new one