inverse width in relation of the viewport

i want to grow an image based on the vw the bigger the screen, the smaller the icons until they reach a certain vw (100vw) and if the screen is smaller (1440px & lower) the img width increases
4 Replies
clevermissfox3mo ago
Combo of media queries and min() or clamp function
Dev_HKOP3mo ago
.element {
/* Basic inverse relationship */
width: calc(800px / (100vw/100%));

/* With bounds */
width: clamp(200px, calc(800px / (100vw/100%)), 600px);
.element {
/* Basic inverse relationship */
width: calc(800px / (100vw/100%));

/* With bounds */
width: clamp(200px, calc(800px / (100vw/100%)), 600px);
this is from claude
Jochem3mo ago
you'll learn jack-shit if you ask claude... look up media queries and clamp on mdn and read the articles, then play around with them
Dev_HKOP3mo ago
btw tell me what you think about this if you're too lazy to check the sandbox; here's the code

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