15 Replies
Geniux•4mo ago
Havent encountered any (obvious) cheater in months :pepe_think:
Hannzo•4mo ago
for me so many booster
AchooOP•4mo ago
@GeniuxJust saying though, They know where i am they shoot me thru the smokes and EVEN MY TEAMMATES R CHEATER, SO ITS 2 FROM MY TEAM AND 4 ENEMY IS CHEATER
No description
AchooOP•4mo ago
they're hongkong players playing in singapore reporting doesnt help anything i met like so much cheaters today and yesterday(I dont know anymore lah)
Geniux•4mo ago
i dont think there are 6 people cheating in a single match 💀 if they were cheating they wouldnt have 10+ deaths each
AchooOP•4mo ago
there's lotta diff cheater user and u can see it obviously when they know where the enemy player is even without a single information they're already aiming there there's alot of angles to cover in site and they know
Geniux•4mo ago
maybe they are high immo because they are good at the game and have gamesense
AchooOP•4mo ago
Geniux•4mo ago
AchooOP•4mo ago
If only i recorded the play u wouldnt say so I'm so sad
Geniux•4mo ago
its so rare to even see a single real cheater in game that 6 in a single random match would be nearly impossible
AchooOP•4mo ago
its the only obvious one. usually they're using wallhack or sum to know where the locations. or if worse they go with aimbot(but still avoiding using that much to not get banned)
Geniux•4mo ago
"(but still avoiding using that much to not get banned)" is not how vanguard operates
AchooOP•4mo ago
well maybe its not 6 but atleast 3-4. There's alot of cheaters still on high immo i usually dont meet them that much, but yesterday and today there's alot there isnt alot cheater on low elo ig
LesJaxx•4mo ago
you're not supposed to be there in that elo, immortal elo is about pre aiming and firing, you supposed to be in the plat elo, not bigger as well

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