
In Cloudflare I created few subdomains in zero trust to tunnel my pc port traffic, so my question is how many subdomains I can create?
2 Replies
Chaika4mo ago
https://developers.cloudflare.com/dns/troubleshooting/faq/#does-cloudflare-limit-the-number-of-dns-records-a-domain-can-have Tied to DNS Record limits, which are 1,000 for free created before Sep 1st of this year, 200 for free created after, and then 3,500 for paid plans. You could always use wildcards too, which only count as one dns record, and then configure the fallback in your tunnel
Cloudflare Docs
General FAQ | Cloudflare DNS docs
Yes. Cloudflare offers free DNS services ↗ to customers in all plans. Note that:
Chaika4mo ago
Tunnels have their own limits but you're not likely to hit them: https://developers.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-one/account-limits/#cloudflare-tunnel 1k tunnels per acct, 25 replicas per tunnel. No public hostname limit as far as I know, ultimately they're just thrown into a config pushed down to your tunnel to run locally, they're not processed server-side
Cloudflare Docs
Account limits | Cloudflare Zero Trust docs
This page lists the default account limits for rules, applications, fields, and other features. These limits may be increased on Enterprise accounts. To request a limit increase, contact your account team.

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