Hi. If someone could advise, that would
Hi. If someone could advise, that would be greatly appreciated.
I'm trying to remove certain options from the "More" dropdown menu in Liveboards as well as the "Share" option and also the "Favourite" option.
I've had a look at the docs and can see roughly where to do it in Develop, but just need a bit of clarification where to insert the specific code changes?

12 Replies
Hi @Simon you can pass the actions you want to hide it as part of hiddenActions array in your LiveboardEmbed method -
const embed = new LiveboardEmbed("#your-own-div", {
frameParams: {},
liveboardId: "16c1d488-d8fc-4326-9422-80e3db8a56ff",
hiddenActions: [Action.Share],
Ah, so just bsaically add the hiddenActions line in that section?
do you have to do it per Liveboard or can you do it once for the whole environment?
Whereever you are calling LiveboardEmbed pass the hidden actions array
and that will do it for the entire environment then for every Liveboard?
Perfect. And then just add the same for the "Favourite" icon and the "More" menu?
Do you know what the component is for the "More" menu with the 3 dots ...
Sorry, me again. Are these changes for ALL users or can you do it for specific users or groups?
You have to hide all the actions present in the menu to hide the 3 dot menu.
This is for all users. You can pass it conditionally to configure it for your specific users.
How can you pass it conditionally?
Yes, if you are passing them in the component then those will be applied for all users.
But other way is just based on user in your app itself 😦 based on the user logging in the user-group you have to put different array of hidden/disabled actions . -> This is not a good way I suppose.
Or hide using CSS. https://developers.thoughtspot.com/docs/Interface_customCssInterface#_rules_unstable
And if you want to hide with hiddenActions, you have to hide all the actions in the menu to hide the three dots without CSS.
inline customCSS within the {@link CustomisationsInterface}. Use {@link CustomCssVariables} or css rules.