Finding shirts that work for multiple outfits
Hello there! Before I ask my question I’ll acknowledge that I should post pictures. I plead for your understanding, as I have a newborn in my arms… I therefore have plenty of time at 3:00am to blab on the internet while holding him, but no time to take out and photograph clothes right now. I will rectify this in the future [hopefully/imaginary?] world where I have more time!
I’m looking for shirt colours that will work with the following combinations of sports coats and oants. Ideally they would work with all four combos but if there are great options that work for 2 or 3 I’m open to them.
* Navy hopsack sports coat
* Dark brown herringbone tweed sports coat
+ Ecru jeans
+ Olive fatigues
I know from browsing this discord that blue works pretty damn well, and I have a chambray and a light blue ocbd. What other colours might you suggest exploring?
Side bar, maybe I’ll make this another question later: how does one get a collared shirt to stay open? With the top or even top two buttons undone, the two pieces of the placket just seem to stay together instead of staying open. (Granted, this is straight out the packaging and before washing the shirt so maybe I just need to do that first?
Thanks for your help!
5 Replies
I don't know if there's anything you can do to force a collared shirt to stay open but if you leave it unbuttoned and move around with it over time it'll start to stay open more, especially if you have a jacket over it that's pulling it this way and that.
Do you mean totally unbuttoned (I.e with a tee shirt under) or just the top buttons?
no like I'd just leave it buttoned however many buttons I want and then wear it
and if it's meant to open, it'll open
and if it's not, so be it
White, pale pink, pale yellow, lavender, pale green, off white. Any of those colours in a uni stripe, and a brown uni stripe can work too.
Awesome, thank you both!