abusive language
i got banned for a year for using apparently abusive language but i never have gotten banned before that so why was my first ban a year long and will i get unbanned?
22 Replies
impossible to get
1 year ban without previous penalties
if you have used any in game it's unlikely that you will get unbanned
what did u even say
also has anyone else played on your account?
i think thats the most likely reason
you can open a ticket and ask for the chatlogs of why you have been banned
:valQuestion: The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
my brother used to
then he gave me the account
i called someone sped
like what
Riot Games
Terms of Service
my brother made it and played on it
does not mean i cant lmao
still the same email he just stopped playing
yes, it actually does mean you can’t haha
sharing accounts or giving away accounts is bannable
it literally does :p
If he played on it first, and then gave it to you, it’s account sharing or giving away an account and that is bannable
lol i just play on it. literally the same pc he plays on
that doesnt change the tos
You are still playing on his account and that is still considered against TOS. You could sit on his lap while playing and it would still be account sharing :D
We don’t make the rules
that has to be the dumbest tos ive ever seen
it’s been in place ever since I can remember
even just sharing your account details is against TOS
lol the main point is why i get banned for a yr for calling someone special ed
Probably because that wasn’t the first offense. Maybe your brother has been banned before
so i cant appeal it?
Also, calling someone „special ed“ is quite ableist and Riot doesn’t joke about ableism and stuff
of course you can! But you need to open a ticket
And that does not guarantee they will actually lift the ban
yea thats what i was gonna say