An odd request... (.beat Time)

Would it be possible to add a library that supports .beats (Swatch Internet Time)? Specifically, I want to use it in KDE and have it be adjacent to traditional 24-hour time so users know what time it should be even if the user is travelling to a time zone on the other side of the world. It's a strange system but has a bit of a retro 90s/early 00s nostalgic feel for some and a novelty for anyone who missed or wasn't born early enough to encounter this system's brief period of adoption on the internet from 1997-2006.
18 Replies
Gadg8eerOP5mo ago
As a demonstration, this post was made @360 in .beat time. Since it uses only the UTC+1 time zone for current time and date, you can ignore the local time if you need to avoid jet lag for some reason. And it's decimal so its' not like you have to count some weird moon logic number like Base-13 (or whatever you might imagine a more pointless time system to use). Lastly, we obviously would want it to be opt-in because almost nobody knows what a beat even is unless they stumbled across it on somewhere like Agora Road or Wikipedia. I can post links to potential solution projects people have made if need be, just say the word.
snipermatze4mo ago
Why don’t you install it manually and add it to KDE if supported?
Gadg8eerOP4mo ago
There are none for KDE as far as an internet search goes.
snipermatze4mo ago
I would go for the KDE project then. Or use a tool like Conkey (if that still exists) to display almost any information on the desktop.
Gadg8eerOP4mo ago
Had to think for a while on this one to get it for some reason, sorry about that! I'll ask the KDE guys then.
HikariKnight4mo ago
not sure if conkey works on wayland, havent used it in long over a decade though
Gadg8eerOP2mo ago
So, um... I'm still new to linux and it's going to take years to get used to it. How could I install the ability to have Swatch Internet Time on my gamerdeck running the KDE version of Bazzite? I did try to research my way through it. So far I've found these...
HikariKnight2mo ago
either find or make a plasma6 plugin (if using kde) and install that for gnome find/make a gnome extension that supports it
Gadg8eerOP2mo ago
There are no plasma plugins and I can't code that well. I can do game mods for certain games at best.
Gadg8eerOP2mo ago
Literally says "give a hint here".
HikariKnight2mo ago
essentially they have nothing
Gadg8eerOP2mo ago
Yeah. I'm not saying "make me a plugin". I'm saying "please add the required libraries because it means I can just add it to my system clock". I can help find said libraries but I can't code a plugin. And I don't expect it to be within this project's scope otherwise.
HikariKnight2mo ago
make a custom image or layer the libraries i highly doubt this will be something we will ever add
Gadg8eerOP2mo ago
How do I layer a library then? Or does that require coding skill? At the very least, I need a little more to go on since I'm new to linux.
HikariKnight2mo ago
if the package is already in fedora then rpm-ostree install blah
HikariKnight2mo ago
Installing and Managing Applications - Bazzite Documentation
Bazzite is a custom image built upon Fedora Atomic Desktops that brings the best of Linux gaming to all of your devices.
Gadg8eerOP2mo ago
On further thought, a Decky plugin would be the best use scenario. I'll take further inquiries to the Decky community. @HikariKnight Thanks for all the help, I feel I understand linux a little better now.

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