mfad4mo ago

Anyone ever heard of this brand? Looking for a new umbrella

Hello! :XingqiuWaveSUKYARU: My umbrella broke today due the wind and I'm looking around for a new one. I found one that's solid wood, in light-ish gray (although I would prefer black). But I never heard of this brand, and I can't find it online. Has anyone ever heard of it? And if so is it good?
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12 Replies
Bottles4mo ago
No, never heard of it I didn't know umbrellas are a part of fashion
Gatan do rock
Gatan do rock4mo ago
Found it on Google
Gatan do rock
Gatan do rock4mo ago
𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗻𝗯𝗼𝘄 (@rainbow_1949) • Instagram profile
69 Followers, 73 Following, 9 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from 𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗻𝗯𝗼𝘄 (@rainbow_1949)
Bottles4mo ago
I think you meant Instagram
ler4mo ago
Not helpful, man. I'm having trouble parsing the instagram having 69 followers (nice) with them having existed since 1949. I think the fact they've been around a minute is a good endorsement -- did you try it in store, does it feel sturdy? It's probably fine unless it's exorbitantly expensive.
ShinkulunaOP4mo ago
All links I can find do point to this rainbow. I suppose they have had a change of logo. I think the one I got (I bought it btw as I didn't want to miss out, especially as it was 50% off since it was the last one) was a vintage one. It doesn't have a "brand flap" (idk what they're called, the little tag with the brand on it) as for the sturdiness; The wooden handle/shaft felt solid, though I am worried about the ribs in strong wind though I suppose that's with every umbrella, I don't know what material they're from
ler4mo ago
Yeah, umbrellas are tough. I think if it feels sturdy and the price feels reasonable, trust your instincts. But I'm far from an umbrella expert or anything
ShinkulunaOP4mo ago
Haha, fair enough. Originally it was €47 but got knocked down to €22,50 so at least it's not that much spent. Either way, thanks for the help all
Spuck4mo ago
You really think people would do that, go onto the internet and tell lies? (It's very easy to get the name of an old, basically dead company and claim you've been running it since forever)
thomas4mo ago
Crazy website homepage
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thomas4mo ago
You want an umbrella? Okay. Here are two beautiful people making out.
Dogma4mo ago
also the punctuation placement is very unprofessional 💀 (last paragraph)

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