Hi there,
We use Cloudflare to manage our DNS settings and since yesterday we encounter 1016 and 530 errors.
Is someone can help me because my production application is down
1 Reply
This is a DNS Issue. Either you removed the record which existed for that hostname in Cloudflare (and you've just got DNS cache still routing to Cloudflare), or your CNAME isn't resolvable, or one of the less likely causes there. Would double check your dns, if something is missing try to recover it from Audit Logs: https://developers.cloudflare.com/fundamentals/setup/account/account-security/review-audit-logs/, otherwise would need more info
Cloudflare Docs
Troubleshooting Cloudflare 1XXX errors | Cloudflare Support docs
The errors described in this document might occur when visiting a website proxied by Cloudflare. For Cloudflare API or dashboard errors, review our Cloudflare API documentation. HTTP 409, 530, 403, and 429 errors are the HTTP error codes returned in the HTTP status header for a response. 1XXX errors appear in the HTML body of the response.