Getting bullied because of my gun skin
I'm getting bullied every comp game because of my super recently bought gun skin (evori dreamwings vandal) which is my first and only skin atp(hopefully that changes). I'm getting called f slurs and gay just because of my gun skin in competitive games(silver elo). It's not like it's rare, it's literally every single game in the mumbai server. Will any riot employee be able to help me refund my skin because it's getting unbearable and I'm starting to lose my love for the game. Playing with no comms is terrible too so pls don't suggest muting them because my whole team turns on me. I tried contacting support several times but all I've been getting is automated responses so it's not really helpful
55 Replies
:valQuestion: The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
I've tried it like 3 times now
the only way to refund something is said tickets sadly
It's all just automated responses
So I was wondering if I could directly get in contact with a riot employee or something
not on this server :pepe_think:
i´d guess your best chance would be... reddit? idk
That's funny because I made a post on reddit too
It's on the hot tab rn but still no response ig
Or maybe I'm just too impatient
you can't refund the skin btw

I've heard of cases where people have been refunded within like 90 days of purchases on used skins
As someone who has seen people love the evori vandal (in silver elo) in mumbai server makes me believe that this is just cap and u just want a refund
That policy no longer exists
And I have like a valid reason too I think
there has been a 1 time exception, but it was removed months ago
The moment, the skin is upgraded or used in game, it's just permanently in your inventory
I wouldn't be buying a skin if I didn't want it buddy
Never ever have i seen someone say anything bad about the vandal. And lemme tell u i have seen a lot of evori vandals
The skin is amazing btw
(at least they havent deleted their val account because of this (usual suspect))
Yeah the guy who sees the skin every 20 games knows more about than the guy who plays with it every match
Ngl when i saw the title of this post, i thought the usual suspect was at it again
Every 20 games?
me too lmao
There is one every 2 games in diamond
And quite a few in silver
evori is one of the most hyped gun skins i believe
Oh your suddenly diamond now?
after the kuronami probably ;d
Ever heard of an alt account?
Sounds like smurfing wtf
Literally admitting to smurfing
Yea i smurf
Percy no offence my friend, however that's borderline cap to get bullied for using a type of skin and even if it happened it would be a one-two time scenario
the post rn
Do something about it :val_HeyApple:
Mute and report those players and enjoy your content
They alrdy got an answer
We all know a skin cannot be refunded like that
Buddy how about you actually try the mumbai server, you'd be called gay for botfragging
That's fine by me, I don't really care what randoms think about me
I've just heard of cases like that
Maybe like 5 months ago sure
thats just valorant
Not possible now
Alright ig
best question are you gay
How is that relevant lol
its a question kinda to understand you better
cause i was curious
okay fair just ignore them and mute
That's kind of a dickhead advice in a team tactical shooter but sure lol
That's all I've been getting
Even in reddit
no? its not they still have pings and its logical so they dont destroy you entirely and make you feel worse
if you start playing worse cause of them that is not gonna help anyone
Honestly yeah
Dreamwings is amazing! I only have the Vandal, but I love it!
But yes, I can imagine that people would get butthurt if you're a guy and you walk around with a 'girly' skin
I have a simple yet effective solution
Can you just unequip the skin?