How to prevent cloudflare from blocking VerifyPass wordpress plugin.
I have been having nothing but trouble trying to figure out what i need to do to make it so cloudflare isnt blocking one of the plugins im using on my website. I reached out to their support and they told me to reach out to cloudflare support. I have tried multiple times to get on live chat, which should be available to me with my business plan, but i get stuck in this loop and get nowhere. I need to disable Cloudflare from challenging the following URL path: /wp-json/verifypass/* and I dont know where in the dashboard i would go to do that.
1 Reply
If you're still having trouble, the first thing I would do is figure out exactly what service is blocking it. Do the action that gets blocked, then wait a min or two and you can go under Security -> Events:, expand it to see the matching service.
If it's managed rules, you have options layed out here:, you can go down the exception path or disable/modify that rule in the ruleset, as described there.
if it's something else like rate limiting, custom rules, super bot fight mode, etc
Under Security -> WAF, you can make a new custom rule (create rule) matching the path field just like
and action Skip, and skip what you need Docs
Add an exception in the dashboard | Cloudflare Web Application Fire...
Use the Cloudflare dashboard to create exceptions that skip the execution of WAF managed rulesets or specific ruleset rules.
Cloudflare Docs
Configure a rule with the Skip action | Cloudflare Web Application ...
Use the Skip action in a custom rule to skip one or more security features. A rule configured with the Skip action is also known as a skip rule.