How do I find my sensitivity if I'm new to fps, and bad at aiming?

I have a question, how I find my ideal sensitivity if I can't aim? I'm really new to val and fps games in general, so for a few games I started by using my wrist to aim, and then I played a few with my arm on a lower sens, and neither of them feels like a clear better choice. I also tried AimLab's sens finding test, and it gave me very different senses in the two times I tried it, and they both feel off... How do I know what to set it to now to get used to it? Thanks in advance <33
4 Replies
JSN3mo ago
you just have to pick a decent one and stick with it. no sens is gonna feel comfortable until you get used to it and train a bit. arm aim is better btw
tantai3mo ago
i use 800dpi 0.15, wrist for flick and arm if i need to turn (i have a big mousepad so im fine with low sens. if u have less space then go for higher sens)
It'samarOP3mo ago
@tantai @JSN thanks for the help! <33 And 0.15 sounds way too low for me, I was managing to somewhat aim with sensitivities between 0.3 - 1.5 at 800 dpi, but I can't aim with less or more than that Currently trying to stick with 0.32 and see how it goes
tantai3mo ago
i use low sens because otherwise i wouldnt land shots + i got enough mousepad space so it works for me

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