mfad4mo ago

The search for a Black suit

Hello! I am in search of a black suit for sisters wedding. The last suit I bought that fit decently was a Brooks Bros Madison 1818 46R. Any suggestions or help searching for a good second hand suit is appreciated!
42 Replies
mattw2 (69.87ml/kg/min)
Brooks Brothers Madison 1818 46r Black for sale | eBay
Get the best deals for Brooks Brothers Madison 1818 46r Black at eBay.com. We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items!
BreadOP4mo ago
I wasn’t 100% sure about the fit I’ll get some pics of it
BreadOP4mo ago
No description
BreadOP4mo ago
This is the charcoal wool suit Same fit I’m not thrilled about how the arms lay?
mattw2 (69.87ml/kg/min)
Arms look like they might be a touch short. You could measure the arms on your charcoal and make sure a black one you buy has longer arms then pay a tailor to shorten them to the perfect length.
BreadOP4mo ago
Not that the shoulders The arms are fine for length I think The undershirt is too long The suit sleeves I think are fine
zeometer4mo ago
as in the top of where the shoulder meets the arm or the bottom? is there any noticeable pulling on the arm/shoulder seam when you put the jacket on?
BreadOP4mo ago
The armpit No pulling no
BreadOP4mo ago
Thoughts on this? :xd:
zeometer4mo ago
does it fit you based on the measurements of the suit bread
BreadOP4mo ago
I believe so I mean I wear a 46 R But it says it might fit 46r but it’s a 45R? Also is the price good?
zeometer4mo ago
and that's why you've gotta check the actual measurements take the measurements of this suit - the shoulder, pit to pit, sleeve length, length, waist and inseam - and compare them to what the listing has pictured if the measurements for all are the same AND the arm length on the listing is a little longer i'd say it's will work price feels a little high (even accounting for my preference to roll the dice on goodwill); ebay shows a number of these 1818 madison suits for $150 or so you could try to send $150 as an offer but since there's nothing "wrong" with the suit it'll be a harder sell
BreadOP4mo ago
I can get the exact measures from the listing of that one That was also an 1818 Madison that I paid $150 for So I would offer that probably
BreadOP4mo ago
No description
BreadOP4mo ago
also is it black? 161 with the sale.. the only diff from my current suit is the shoulders and chest less than half an inch tighter i think from the pic i might be ok?
zeometer4mo ago
if the new suit is half an inch tighter you have to consider how much room you want in your suit for moving, after eating, etc from what you mentioned whatever the old suit's arm measurement you'll want it to be longer (i think an inch but if it's more than an inch longer it can be altered easily) i also think it's a very dark charcoal because of the print; depending on the setting this may be a good substitute for black $161 total (with tax/ship) is the max that I would go but imo you could possibly find cheaper in a pinch you can wishlist the listing and it might trigger an auto offer
BreadOP4mo ago
The arms on the old suit were tailored The shirt under is just too long Ugh it would be way more with tax and ship lol That suit does seem expensive I offered 150 and they denied it But I’m worried I won’t find another one in time
zeometer4mo ago
it might be worth checking for 46L as there's a chance sellers listed it according to the tag size vs actual measurements
zeometer4mo ago
^search filter worth checking
BreadOP4mo ago
Well the 46R tag size is what I want I know that fits What are these brands? Are there other brands besides BB worth looking at That I have the measurements?
mattw2 (69.87ml/kg/min)
46R from Brooks Brothers in the specific fit you have. You need to take the measurements of that and compare. Tag sizes rarely match measurements within brands let across other brands. These are all brands worth looking at.
BreadOP4mo ago
That’s way too many options I won’t be able to pick anything lol Can we narrow it a bit?
mattw2 (69.87ml/kg/min)
That filter does a load of the work for you. I don't think anyone here is going to trawl the listings for you - you'll have to do a bit of the work. But since I haven't got anything better to do, I went through the first few pages :
mattw2 (69.87ml/kg/min)
Isaia Napoli Black Label AquaSpider Wool Luxury Suit 46L
: Isaia Napoli. : Gently Used. A couple tiny moth holes on the back of the jacket. Three Button Single Breasted. Three Interior Pockets. Three Exterior Pockets. Color : Black. Inventory Code #S13946.
mattw2 (69.87ml/kg/min)
Canali Suit Mens Sz 46 L Sport Coat Pants 36X27 Wool Black 2 Piece ...
Actual Measurements May Vary From Tag Sizes Due To TailoringPlease Refer To Photos & Description Prior To PurchaseJacket:3 Button Front, 4 Button Cuffs, VentlessActual Measurements:Chest: 23.0" (underarm to underarm)Shoulders: 20.0" (seam to seam)Sleeve: 25.0" (top of shoulder to end of cuff)Length: 31.0" (from bottom of collar to bottom of jack...
BreadOP4mo ago
Hmm I know nothing about these brands Never even heard of em This is very difficult lol Also I’m in USA so maybe that’s why This is for my sisters wedding I need something relatively nice
mattw2 (69.87ml/kg/min)
These are very nice items. They are "nicer" than Brooks Brothers. But the most important thing is getting something that fits.
BreadOP4mo ago
Yes fit is most important for sure And clean Ok I’ve been searching Is there anyway to make it not show jsut blazers lol I need a full suit with pants too 😦 Seems most listings are just the tops How easy is it to buy pants seperate that will match?
zeometer4mo ago
fairly difficult occasionally a brand like brooks brothers or j.crew or stores like macy's, men's wearhouse, etc will sell suit separates of matching fabric most of the time suits are sold together, and laypeople will usually find more utility from the pants alone, hence why they sell/donate the jacket
BreadOP4mo ago
Hmm so that’s going to be a problem there’s only like 19 suits in my size and black that come with pants and most of the pants aren’t my size Unless something is up with the search I’m doing
zeometer4mo ago
does the suit need to be fully black or are things like charcoal acceptable
BreadOP4mo ago
Well the idea is my sister wants suits to match for photos But I guess a very dark charcoal is ok? Also going to need black shoes And black belt I should check Meermin
zeometer4mo ago
what belt/shoes did you wear last time? if those were black and are in good condition they should also be sufficient here
BreadOP4mo ago
Brown ones 😦
zeometer4mo ago
meermin is a good bet
BreadOP3mo ago
I just checked and they are a bit expensive :nooooo: $140 for the shoes 50 for belt any other good stores to check? not finding much on ebay at all or possibly spier and mackay but idk if it will fit 46.5 chest, 45 waist they say their size 46 is 48.8cherst and 43.7 waist so nope
zeometer3mo ago
spier sizing is weird macys sometimes has polo ralph lauren (avoid lauren ralph lauren) i think you're in new york so you might have some luck with an independent tailor
BreadOP3mo ago
the spier might fit my dad also need a suit for him hes 40 chest, 38 waist the size 42 is 45.7 40.6 that might be too big in chest? what is a blazer and sport coat? is this a suit? I really cant find anything with pants.. idk what im doing
bstormo3mo ago
A suit has pants and jacket cut from the same cloth so they match. Blazer or sport coat don’t have matching pants and are more casual. If you want a suit you want to buy them together. Pants and jacket bought separately will not match quite right On places like eBay you’ll often see a suit jacket sold without pants because the pants wore out or ripped. I’d avoid those.

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