Monitors freeze and don't update occasionally
This is a strange thing, but every so often, one of my monitors (not the one with my cursor on it) will freeze and stop updating. Moving the cursor to the frozen monitor still let's me interact, and Audio continually to play, but less than 2 minutes later the other monitor will freeze and the only thing I can do to recover from this state is restarting my computer
16 Replies
Opening a TTY fixes it but I don't know how to close a TTY
Okay I figured out how to close a TTY, but the issue still is a problem
This is a problem with me, too, and it seems to be linked to Wayland. It's happened on GNOME, KDE, and both regular Fedora and Bazzite.
It happened again today, opening and closing a TTY fixed it, but I think doing it too quickly makes my keyboard and mouse nonresponsivr
Did you try the karg from my thread? I pinged you in it.
That seems to have worked for me for Fedora in general, not just Bazzite.
For me, since I have an Intel CPU, the command was
rpm-ostree kargs --append-if-missing="i915.enable_psr=0"
do you know the command if I have an AMD CPU?
One sec, I believe I do but I want to double check.
From the forum thread here in my own thread-- --the karg you'd want to put between the quote marks would be
. The same thing, but with 0x10 instead of 0x12, also pops up in Google searches.Looking through a Manjaro thread here it appears that 0x10 only disables PSR, while 0x12 disables that and memory stutter. I would try setting 0x10 first and see if that works, and if not, try 0x12.
Manjaro Linux Forum
[Unstable Update] October 2024 Edition
So my case is likely related to PSR. (a power saving feature) With amdgpu there are certain approaches and workarounds that I have not investigated. But for amdgpu you could use a boot option derived from these values; enum DC_DEBUG_MASK { DC_DISABLE_PIPE_SPLIT = 0x1, DC_DISABLE_STUTTER = 0x2, DC_DISABLE_DSC = 0x4, DC_DISABLE_CLOCK_GATIN...
I'm winging this based on what I can find in documents, so you may want to get this advice double checked by someone here, but the command
rpm-ostree kargs --append-if-missing="amdgpu.dcdebugmask=0x10"
should be correct as far as I can tell.okay so this then reboot?

I believe so, yes.
If 0x10 doesn't work, you can replace it by using the command here.
Fedora Docs
Modifying Kernel Arguments
Learn more about Fedora Linux, the Fedora Project & the Fedora Community.
You should be able to just reboot and have things start up and work normally if the command is correct, at least in my experience--no difference in usage exact no freezes.
Alright, we will see what happens
It did not work, also, trying to move things from the crashed monitor to the uncrashed monitor causes that window to just... not work correctly? I tried moving discord over and when it didn't work and I opened and closed the TTY, Discord was where I wanted it to be
Did you try replacing it with 0x12? Both popped up in my searching.
Past that, I wouldn't be sure of other solutions, sorry. I only know what I could find, I'm not great at Linux otherwise.
Alright, I've put it in, time to restart
Replacing it with 0x12 has not helped...
Then I'm not sure, sorry. I'd ask others and see if they can chime in.