Temporarily remove WHOIS privacy

My domain has been flagged as suspicious and has been put on hold. The registrar that cloudflare has passed on the registration for this domain (nominet) cant verify that I am the owner of this domain due to whois privacy. And they are unwilling to talk to to cloudflare directly about thus. I've gone through the previous questions and I have submitted a request over a week ago. I have had no response from cloudflare despite two follow up emails on my part. Is there any better way of getting this sorted?
1 Reply
Chaika4mo ago
Not sure I understand your issue, you're trying to transfer registration to another registrar? You can turn off whois via the privacy field of the update action via the api: https://developers.cloudflare.com/api-next/resources/registrar/subresources/domains/methods/update/. CF support can also turn off it for you, but it may take a while
Cloudflare API | Registrar › Domains › Update Domain
Interact with Cloudflare's products and services via the Cloudflare API

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