Baggy jeans?
What’s peoples opinions on baggy jeans, I know they’ve seemed to have gained a lot of popularity recently especially where I’m from. I bought a new pair last week and wore them this week and a few of my friends didn’t like them (bearing in mind these people wear tracksuits 24/7 so I prefer not to take fashion advice from them) however I hate the be the person sticking out from the crowd.
3 Replies
they're fine
your friends are just giving you shit
if it bothers you more that your friends are teasing you and alienating you, put a tracksuit on or reevaluate why you hang out with these people
but if you like the jeans rock em
they're cool
i have baggy jeans and my friends dont bully me
if you already are discounting their fashion advice, why does their fashion opinion matter
baggy jeans are fine imo
Track suits is east eu heritage