:val_Hampter: I can't rank up because there are smurfs everywhere and I don't enjoy the game. There really needs to be a solution for this. Eight out of every ten matches I play are smurfs. I'm about to delete the game. It's really gotten annoying to deal with smurfs among so many toxic players. Find a solution. I'm thinking of switching to CS. I can't enjoy the competitive game anymore.
8 Replies
Hey @henry :Iso_Sip:
I understand your pain. Have you reported the player on the website? :mod_blush:
how do you know 8/10 matches u find a smurf?
Smurfing is not bannable
No use reporting em
Is it normal for the opposing MVP to get at least 35 to 50 kills every match?
if ur iron then yes
iron-bronze even silver in some cases
yes it is
why is it an option in support ticket :KannaSpook: sniw
become the smurfer
Be friends with smurfs. If they are using cannon in sword fight then you shall do the same