VS Code TAB triggers problems

VS Code must have made an update that automatically took effect. I'm getting odd auto-completes for 2 situations in an HTML file 1. using p for paragraph followed by TAB gives me:
get propertyName() {
return this.;
get propertyName() {
return this.;
2. Using ! + TAB for the HTML boilerplate gives me:
str.replace(/((http|https):\/\/(\w+:{0,1}\w*@)?(\S+)(:[0-9]+)?(/|/([\w#!:.?+=&%@!\-/]))?)/gi, '<a href=""></a>');
str.replace(/((http|https):\/\/(\w+:{0,1}\w*@)?(\S+)(:[0-9]+)?(/|/([\w#!:.?+=&%@!\-/]))?)/gi, '<a href=""></a>');
Has anyone else encountered this? Regardless, how do I turn off t hat behavior? I still want TAB autocompletes but this never happened before.
25 Replies
b1mind4mo ago
mmmm I would think this was something you added with an extension, not a vscode update.
ἔρως4mo ago
can you start vscode without extensions?
b1mind4mo ago
would help if you showed the suggestion too like before you hit tab
ἔρως4mo ago
that helps a lot too, it usually shows the extension that generates it
b1mind4mo ago
cause vscode has "suggestions, emmet, +snippets"
KernixOP4mo ago
How do you do that?
KernixOP4mo ago
here are 2 screenshots
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b1mind4mo ago
launch it from cmd line code --disable-extensions
KernixOP4mo ago
I use Emmet all the time but this never happened before
b1mind4mo ago
yea that is something you installed that includes snippets those are all snippets looks like from some JS es6 extension If you want to keep them but have emmet come up first you can get into your settings and configure the order.
b1mind4mo ago
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KernixOP4mo ago
Okay, I did not get those issues wheen I opened VS that way - but what does that mean? That it is a recent extension that is causing it? How would I be able to search by date installed. I've been on the road for a number of months so it most likely would have been something I added months ago - let me scan them though...
b1mind4mo ago
This is the one thats doing it
b1mind4mo ago
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b1mind4mo ago
Do you have something like this in your @installed extensions?
KernixOP4mo ago
Right now I have top - should I change ot to inline? Let me try that...
b1mind4mo ago
Maybe you installed it not realizing from someones recs ? 🤷‍♂️
KernixOP4mo ago
yes - have had it for years
b1mind4mo ago
That would probably work yes
KernixOP4mo ago
It did. So somehow that got changed but don't ask me how - thanks everyone for the replies!
b1mind4mo ago
Glad you got it sorted! Also I would check which one of those you have cause looks like there is lots of variations, A good snippet package is only going to work in files that should use it. Like in .html JS snippets should only fire when in <script> This is why I don't use others I make my own too 🤷‍♂️
b1mind4mo ago
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KernixOP4mo ago
It looks like the extensions push through updates - here is my extensions in descending order of "Date modified"
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b1mind4mo ago
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b1mind4mo ago
Example of how it "should work" So yea I'd dicth the extension personally or find a better one or make your own from the ones you use in the extension snippets allow you to "scope" to languages not files is what it is

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