Can you try vel estimator @ 50 and Damper LPF @ 12Hz It's also possible to use the pre v17 behaviour

Can you try vel estimator @ 50 and Damper LPF @ 12Hz It's also possible to use the pre v17 behaviour, by setting the Vel estimator to 0 and using lower damper LPF values (<8Hz)
16 Replies
ToreDL874mo ago
How do I get the Rhino working in War Thunder? (Sim Battles mode with planes) I see FFBeast users getting it working there This guy has total superiority as a result. I asked him how he did it and he simply replied it has to be configured correctly in software? Other MSFFB2 guys also report great FFB there, but I've had no luck with either MSFFB2 or the Rhino. I've tried just about every setting but result is the same, the stick is completely limp at all times and just intermittently rattles and shakes :/ Edit: Have to add I can of course get it "working" by configuring it as a non-FFB 🙂
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War Thunder\playing on FFB
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TheAmazinGreat4mo ago
Thank you for the tips! I’m currently at vel 100 and acc 50. Damper LPF at 15 and 20 had minimal effect so I did not try to tune down further. Turning the estimator gains up eliminated the minor oscillation with hands off at idle state but in sim has had some more powerful oscillations under certain telem FFB effects. Maybe I’ve got them up too high now. I will try these settings later tonight. should I set acc gain back to the Rhino default?
slowmover4mo ago
any idea why it does not work? i was flying and it stop working
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slowmover4mo ago
Motor Y seems to be disconected i plug and unplug the usb cable and it did not helpd
slowmover4mo ago
i just tunred down the power to rhino and it worked
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Fr4Ged4mo ago
you are running older firmware by the way
slowmover4mo ago
thanks mate i will upgrade it
TheAmazinGreat4mo ago
Friction and inertia are really high, try reducing to <30%. Or import default Rhino profile for baseline.
Hiob4mo ago
We need to see his effects settings. Maybe he has it on 10% there or not even enabled. I would recommend though to leave it on 100 on the effects page and dial in the desired intensity on the settings page. Such values wouldn’t work then of course. @slowmover You can reset the motors on the debug page if they tilt out.
slowmover4mo ago
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slowmover4mo ago
Thanks i will try it
Ice4mo ago
What material are the parts for the Winwing adapter printed out of? My Rhino and adapter were of course made by Walmis himself. Is it just PLA?
TheAmazinGreat4mo ago
Are you using telemFFB at all?
Hiob4mo ago
So friction and inertia are not even enabled. Damper 60% x 100% is A LOT. I would probably reduce that .
slowmover4mo ago
yeap when i enable friction the stick goes crazy
TheAmazinGreat4mo ago
Do you have any of the effects settings activated in TelemFFB (spring, damper, inertia, etc)?

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