Cloudflare for SaaS Custom Hostname Limit

Is it really a hard cap on 5000 hostnames? or can you just keep paying the 0.10$ pr hostname without having to go to the enterprise plan?
4 Replies
Chaika4mo ago
It is certainly documented as such, I haven't heard of any cases of people hitting it but I would trust the limits page on that. By the time you reach that limit you're paying $500/mo + probably some more for other packages, workers, etc, so Enterprise may make sense anyway
Lord_Squirrel🗿OP4mo ago
Yeah true, “good” problem to have I guess. I’m just comparing it to vercel for example that has unlimited domains pr project
Chaika4mo ago
Vercel doesn't compare to CF For SaaS. If you're talking about Cloudflare Pages, it has its own custom domains limit and you can't simply layer CF For SaaS on top of Pages except if you use a Workers proxy
Lord_Squirrel🗿OP4mo ago
That is what im doing, i have worker that routes to my pages app based on the custom domain from Cf for saas. Not apples to apples i know, but for the relatively basic feature of custom domains cf seems arbitrarily limited

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