Can't connect via ssh: Runpod asking for password
When I try to connect via
ssh [email protected] -p 17455 -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
I get asked for a password. Following the support page I tried generating a new key, but didn't have any luck.
Specifically, here's what I tried:
Create a new key:
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "[email protected]"
Cat the public key and add it to my runpod settings:
cat ~/.ssh/
Connect via this command:
ssh [email protected] -p 17455 -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
I tried troubleshooting using the instructions here, but nothing helped.
Any support would be appreciated!Solution:Jump to solution
Resolved! The issue is that I had to deploy my pod AFTER adding the new key.
7 Replies
Resolved! The issue is that I had to deploy my pod AFTER adding the new key.
I have an issue here what to do if I need to add another ssh key after the deployment.
restart the pod, but beware that you will lose your data unless you saved it in /workspace or wherever you mounted your volume at
So restarting the pod is the only solution right
yep or create a new one
you can also manually add your ssh public key to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file, so you don't have to restart the pod.
I tried creating the new keys , basic one is connecting but with tcp is not connecting
updated ssh key
but not working
while i created a pod last few days back , its connecting fine
with the same key I was using
its asking for the password